
Do not look for treatment methods in reference videos.

 Q : I did as what video says, but it has made me suffer from more difficulties. The video says smile when talking, so I thought my relationship with my husband was getting better, but he was still having an affair with another woman. My rage is so great that I feel like I'm dying. Why am I still suffering?

A : There is no treatment method in videos. You must not look for treatment method from videos. The role of videos is to help those with post-traumatic stress disorder to make rational judgments by temporarily mitigating pain and agony they have, which is why treatment can never be made by watching thousands of videos uploaded. 

However, many people listen to only the parts they need; videos never mentioned what you said. You are saying that the video tells you to smile when talking, but you’re mistaking and misunderstanding a partial explanation of an example during the seminar as if it is the treatment task. 

Well, sadly, smiling when talking will make you suffer in more difficulty and make your husband have infidelity constantly because he is also not treated as well. Having inappropriate relationships with other women constantly is natural for him.


Treatment must be done by self, but one cannot treat his or her addiction by self, which is why an expert who can actually help for the treatment to be done is needed. The process of having the principles of how the human mind and psychology operate settled in the mind, not as knowledge, is Mind Training; doing the treatment tasks without taking this Mind Training is dangerous and causes great damages. It will result in dissociation of wounds. Then, it is going to be used as a means to attack others. 

Also, smiling when talking must be done in specific ways. This treatment task is like a poison that treats another poison. When using poison to treat another poison, there must be a safety device. E-mails to check the entire treatment tasks and training contents and seminars are the parts of the safety device just mentioned.

Saying again, videos do not include treatment methods that you are looking for. If your mind becomes stable a little bit after watching videos, you must take treatment right away. This is the way you can save your time and cost and prevent from wasting them. Your trauma caused by your spouse's infidelity will last forever if it is not treated.

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