
Mothers can be experts in psychological treatment of children


  Mother Therapy teaches mothers how to treat their children’s psychological problems; it is the psychological treatment method of children that mothers treat their own children’s psychology by adjusting their children’s psychology in daily routines. It doesn’t require you to spend much time to learn Mother Therapy. You will complete the Mother Therapy by taking a total of 8 hours, 4 hours of learning principles and logic of how mind and psychology operate and another 4 hours of practicing how to adjust children’s psychology in daily routines. These 8 hours will be enough for you to become able to treat your children’s psychology.

Moreover, counseling certification as other psychological treatment methods request or studying psychology and treatment methods for psychological disorders are not necessary. Mother Therapy itself is the process of making mothers have the ability to treat their children’s psychological problems. You don’t have to have expert knowledge. Unnecessary knowledge could rather make your children’s psychological problems unable to be treated and cause them to live with psychological disorders.

Mother Therapy does not ask the causes of psychological disorders and not require knowledge of treatment and psychology, counseling methods, etc. Mother Therapy interpret children’s psychological disorders as psychological problems. It also interprets children’s psychological problems as trials and errors of psychology that occur in their healthy growing process. For example, tic disorders, Tourette syndrome, ADHD, developmental disorders, game addiction, and other various psychological disorders are interpreted as psychological problems that occur in the middle of trials and errors; when these psychological trials and error are adjusted, all of them can be treated.

Like this, the principles of treating children’s psychological problems are very simple and clear. Anyone can learn the principles easily, can apply the methods to children immediately in daily routines, and can treat children’s psychological problems fast if you are a mother. This is why Mother Therapy is the strong treatment methods of children’s psychological problems and why it makes mothers experts in treating their own children’s psychological problems.

  I hope you no longer waste your time by leaving your children to counselors or experts to treat their psychological problems. Only you, the mothers, can treat your own children’s psychological problems and can become experts who can treat children’s problems without difficulties. This is the reason why Mother Therapy is important for mothers.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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