
Other-centered Psychological Operations


Having psychological operations that are only other-centered is also the imbalance of psychology. In this case, one only tries to have other-centered psychological operations because self-psychology is missing. 

Those doing other-centered psychological operations only always sacrifice themselves. So, no matter who their counterparties are, they always do as the counterparties want, become dependent on their counterparties, and have either low self-respect or low self-confidence. Also, they only think of others’ emotions, not minding about their own emotions that importantly. Thus, they become wounded and end up having compulsion and suppression. 

Moreover, they think that only the counterparty's happiness is important. Their own happiness is not that important matter for themselves. Due to this, human relationships become very complicated. Others around them like them, but they keep being wounded. That is why they have difficulties in human relationships. People like this cannot make normal psychological operations in relationships because they will get wounded if human relationships are formed. 

They hold and endure anxieties derived from compulsion and suppression. People doing other-centered psychological operations always have wounds from compulsion and suppression. They think they could be wrong about whatever, blames themselves and have a guilty conscience. They feel comfortable by accepting the other's opinions, making themselves obedient. Therefore, in general, people making other-centered psychological operations tend to be obedient. They are obedient to parents and others because it makes themselves comfortable if they ignore their own thoughts and opinions and follow others. 

There are much more teenagers like this than we think. They have been tamed by their parents to make psychological operations that are other-centeredness. They live with compulsions and suppression since they are weak yet, but this is the cause that makes them become temporarily arbitrary when they become adults and behave self-righteously. Moreover, in cases of psychopaths and sociopaths, most of them have lived with compulsions and suppressions due to other-centered psychological operations as they grow. In the middle of their growth with compulsions and suppressions, their emotions are expressed through specific circumstances. 

Problems are seen in people who make self-centered psychological operations from the first; however, problems in people making other-centered psychological operations are not seen well even though problems have occurred, making difficult to expect psychological problems.

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