
The mechanism of psychology treatment for children in the phase of adaptation to relationships (Age 5-13)


Understanding children’s developmental process of psychology helps understand the training and the treatment mechanisms of Youth Mind Training and Mother Therapy. The psychological development process adopted by the Theory of Mimind may be different from those adopted by conventional fields of psychology and psychiatry. The concept of the process of psychological development is essential in designing and implementing the training and treatment methods of Youth Mind Training and Mother Therapy.

[The process of psychological development]
- Under age 5 : The phase of survival
- Age 5 to 13 : The phase of adaptation to relationships
- Age 13 to 20 : The phase of formation of self-identity
- Over age 20 : The phase of self-actualization

Psychological problems occur in boys in this phase when negative moods of stress operate in relationships. Boys’ psychology can be restored when positive moods of fun and pleasure can be generated in relationships. Psychological problems occur in girls in this phase when negative feelings of wounds operate in relationships. Girls’ psychology can be restored when positive feelings or feelings of love can be generated in relationships.

The most crucial factor in solving psychological problems in the phase of adaptation to relationships is children’s perception of the specific relationships. The focus of psychology treatment for children in this phase must be on normalizing the problematic relationships so that boys become to have fun and pleasure with people around them and girls become to like people around them.

Psychology treatment for children at age 3 to 7 must address the psychology of both survival and adaptation to relationships. Psychology treatment for children at age 11 to 15 must address the psychology of both adaptation to relationships and formation of self-identity.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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