
Mindfulness vs. KIP Psychology Treatment Training


'Mindfulness' is popular these days as a meditational method that promotes healthy psychology. It is considered to be an effective method for elevating the level of focus and calmness. It must be absolutely beneficial to adopt the method of mindfulness in general for such purposes. However, it must be categorized as a healing method of psychological problems rather than a treatment method of psychological disorders.

To be able to treat psychological disorders, you must establish clear concepts regarding the following questions.

- What is mind?
- What is the root cause of psychological pain and suffering?
- What operation of mind results in emotions?
- Exactly what parts of mind are targeted for treatment?
- What is the difference between mind and psychology?

Most conventional methods of psychology treatment including the method of mindfulness that claim to be effective for treating psychological disorders do not differentiate mind and psychology, and therefore cannot address the operation of mind and psychology in any fundamental and systematic way.

I have developed the Theory of Mimind that attemtps to explain the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. It is crucial to accurately understand the operational mechanism of mind and psychology to adequately address psychological disorders for a full recovery without adverse side effects in the long term. Many people continue to suffer from psychological disorders or aggravate their conditions believing that they are adopting proper treatment methods when they are actually adopting healing methods that provide only temporary effects of diversion. It must be noted that even some well-intended programs may lead you to waste you time, effort, and money without providing accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment.

E-mail : uip@uip.ac

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