
The reason why social problems and criminal incidents get more and more serious


These days, we are living in a society where social problems and criminal incidents are prevalent in every sector, and society's capacity for managing and preventing the problems seems to be far from being adequate. We are busy dealing with individual cases every time problems occur, but more and bigger problems keep occurring in a vicious cycle and no one seems to have the solution.


Attempts to solve problems based on the analysis of visible phenomena may not lead to solve problems adequately since it does not address the root cause of problems. Also, social problems are always associated with individual problems, so addressing underlying psychological problems of individuals within the social system may be an effective approach to dealing with social problems.


When one person has psychological disorders, he or she naturally affects other people in negative ways causing psychological disorders in more and more people. When more and more people in the society develop psychological disorders, the whole society cannot but suffer from more and more disruptive incidents in a vicious cycle.


Then, why do we still have more and bigger problems when there seem to be so many well-intended government policies and social programs addressing individual psychological problems and social issues? Again, it is because we are not adequately addressing the root cause of problems based on the accurate analysis of underlying mechanism.


Now is a high time that we all came up with ways to address the root cause of social problems by accurately understanding the underlying mechanism of human mind and psychology and applying it to properly managing the society.


Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.kip.ac/

E-mail : uip@uip.ac

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