
Why your passion wanes easily.


     People who easily develop passion toward diverse objects can get immersed into an object immediately when they find that it is fun. They easily become passionate toward objects of fun and pleasure, but also, their passion easily wanes when their goals are easily achieved. In other words, their goal is not that high in the first place.

     The higher the goal is for the object of passion, the longer you can maintain the high level of immersion into the object. When the goal is achieved easily, you may naturally lose interest in the object easily. When you achieve the goal that you set at first, you can modify and develop your goal to a higher one in order to maintain the level of immersion. You can also set a higher goal for the object relating it with other objects of passion. 

     The same mechanism applies to your work. When you start new work, you usually get immersed into work and generate stress at the same time in order to do well. When you get used to the work and the work becomes easy without generating stress any more, you may lose interest in the work. Thus, your work should not be 'a piece of cake' in order to maintain passion. Therefore, it is recommended that passion must be expanded as well as fun and interest in the object. You need to develop your goal to make it higher as you achieve the goal you have set at first. Otherwise, your immersion into the object of passion only stays as experience instead of becoming your ability. 

     It is crucial to transform your passion into your ability, but many people do not succeed in developing abilities through developing passion. When you enter the state of ennui without transforming passion into an ability, you may not be able to get immersed into the same object again at a later time. Once you lose interest in an object, it is hard to become interested in the same object again. Losing interest in the object of passion can be dangerous since losing pure passion toward an object can lead to developing distorted passion only looking for momentary fun and pleasure without generating and overcoming stress to achieve the goal. The concept of passion is incompatible with the concept of satisfaction since you need a goal that has not been achieved to be able to get immersed into the object of passion. 


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