
The Psychology of Donation

      We all make donations and get the benefit of donations at some time during life. We tend to relate donations with good deeds collectively but cases of donations can be analyzed differently applying the concept of psychology of donation. Some donations are made purely out of good intentions only with the purpose of helping the recipients but some are taken advantage of by people with selfish purposes. 

     There are two types of donations : direct donation and indirect donation. Direct donation is made by directly giving what you have to people who are in need. You may provide what is necessary for survival or what can promote self-actualization depending on the recipients' situations and needs. Indirect donation is made by entrusting the donation to organizations that are operated to support people in need for survival or self-actualization. 

     From the donator's point of view, both direct and indirect donation may look identical, but characteristics of indirect donation can be different among individual cases depending on different manifestations of psychology of donation. Donators must understand the mechanism of psychology of donation and choose appropriate ways to share what you have with people in need. When you make a direct donation, you must find recipients for yourself, make relationships with them, and manage the whole process of donation by yourself. You can freely decide on everything but types and magnitudes of donation are limited.      

      Many people choose to make donations indirectly for convenience and effectiveness. You can donate to organizations that are operated to help people in need. They have better systems of finding recipients and managing the donation process making the whole process more efficient and effective. They can help people in more diverse ways and in greater magnitudes. 

    All you provide for donation is received by the recipients in case of direct donation, but in case of indirect donation, some of the donated materials must be used to operate the organizations operated for donations. When donators cannot trust the organizations with what they provide, they may decide to establish an organization for donation themselves. In some cases, the donators lose their good intention and damage the noble cause of helping people in need by focusing more on the operation of the organization itself than on donation itself putting the cart before the horse.

     It is important to understand the true meaning of donation. Donation means giving what you have to people in need for survival or self-actualization without any condition or your own selfish purposes. Donation is different from the concept of support, in which you provide what you have to people in need to achieve your own goals. It is only legitimate that organizations that are operated for donation must have their own goals of managing the organization. It is also crucial that organizations for donation must establish the system of transparent operation to prevent distortion and corruption.

     Some organizations operated for donation become distorted and focus more and more on their own selfish purposes. As the distortion advances, the whole process of donation operated by the organization may also be distorted. It is recommended that organizations operated for donation be kept under surveillance for transparency and people involved in the work of donation learn about the psychology of donation. Some corrupt workers may develop distorted psychology and use donated materials for their own selfish purposes and act as if they themselves were the donators. 

      Donation is a good deed that provides people in need with opportunities to pursue happiness, so it is an important component of a healthy society. However, the distorted process of donation caused by distorted psychology of people involved leads general public to develop negative perception toward donation itself. We are not to judge the phenomena based on what is seen on the surface but understand the underlying mechanism and must raise the awareness of the adequate practice of donation.


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