
[Review_Infidelity Therapy] I cannot believe what is happening to me now.


The last 4 months feels like a dream to me when I went through all the difficulties and the process of recovery. It felt like years at first but now it feels like just a few days. 

As guided by Mr. Kim, the director of KIP, I could give my husband an opportunity for treatment while I was proceeding with my treatment and now he is also concentrating on his treatment. 

I cannot believe that I can feel comfortable inside again. I know that I should not stay in comfort and should go further for happiness, though. 

My husband and I feel like we are in a honeymoon stage again after all we have been through together. I sometimes want to concentrate on myself more but we are making efforts together. 

Recently, I focused less on the therapeutic tasks since I felt comfortable, but I resumed to do the tasks since I know that I haven't internalized them yet. I also watch reference videos occasionally. 

These days, I just like living everyday. 

I went through all the outrageous things, but now, I am OK. 

I feel so lucky that I learned about Infidelity Therapy and chose to take the treatment program. 

I don't even want to imagine how destructive a path I would have taken for my life if I chose differently. 


 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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