
[Infidelity Therapy] Your own life is more important than your spouse.


When spouse infidelity is discovered, the victimized spouses would do everything within their capability to make the spouse in infidelity come back to them. They pay all their attention to their spouse in infidelity and firmly believe that everything will be OK when their spouse just comes back to them. 

Differently from what many people think, post traumatic stress of the victimized spouse does not disappear just because the spouse in infidelity comes back. Paying attention to the spouse in infidelity is like a severely injured victim just chases the perpetrator without treating his or her wounds. 

Your own life is more important than the spouse in infidelity. You met the spouse, got married, had children, and lived happily. All the happy days cannot be denied just because the couple experienced spouse infidelity. 

Meeting the spouse, getting married, having children, getting a divorce, and getting remarried are all parts of your life. Your getting married to the present spouse and living together for years and years does not mean that your whole life must be dependent on your spouse. When your life has problems and you become unhealthy, your children's life will also have problems. All your relationships with other people will become unhealthy. 

It is the most important to restore your life and become happy again. Then, you can lead your children to happiness and give your spouse an opportunity to treat him or herself. That is, you yourself must become happy first to make others around you happy.

Especially, it is parent's duty to make children happy. Thinking that you will become happy when your children do as you want is likened to demanding children to make you happy. Then, of course, children become unhappy. Parents have the duty and responsibility but not the right in the relationship with children. Parents become happy when children are happy. 

You must do everything to treat post traumatic stress and restore your life and happiness even though it is hard and painful. Your life and your children's life are at stake. All the decisions you make without treating post traumatic stress cannot but destroy your life and children's life. You cannot afford to pay attention to the spouse in infidelity now.          

You may not understand exactly what is going on now, but absurd situations will continuously occur and you will be the cause of the absurdity in most cases. The result will be the destruction of your life and your children's life. There are so many people who regret their own decisions that are irrecoverable. 

 As you start to treat post traumatic stress, pain and rage subsides fast and you will realize how dangerous situation you and your children were in. You will also realize how effective KIP Treatment Program is. Please, don't hesitate to start the treatment for your own life and your children's life.



About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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