
[Sex & Xes] Sex-lighting_Part 1 : The basic concept of sex-lighting

Today, I will fact-check for sex-lighting, which refers to gas-lighting with respect to sexuality. I will talk in 3 parts about sex-lighting since it deals with quite a lot of concepts. In this first part, I will talk about the basic mechanism of sex-lighting and how it is possible in real life situations. It usually occurs when a man forces his woman partner to do as he pleases, and continuously blames and presses the partner when she does not comply with him easily. 

Men may request women partners to take diverse sexual actions even in normal relationships when women hardly have any knowledge and information on sex. However, the level of men's demand goes way beyond the normal range in sex-lighting. In this case, men usually not only demand or coax but also criticize and threaten women to comply with them for some perverted sexual actions. It is not to say that perverted sexual actions are wrong in and of themselves in the sense that perversion can mean modified and diverse sexual actions in general. 

Of course, perverted sexual actions can damage both men and women when sexual actions are taken only for pleasure. It is important to understand how positive or negatively sexual actions contribute to human mind and to build the ability to generate positive energy from any sexual action. Sex-lighting occurs when men pursue only their own sexual pleasure based on psychological disorders and sexual dysfunctions. Women must never relate being under the influence of sex-lighting with being loved. Men who adopt sex-lighting in a relationship do not have the ability for love and they are not in a normal condition of psychology. They just try to take advantage of women as a tool for satisfying their desire for sexual pleasure. 

In normal relationships, men usually don't try out their sexual fantasy with the partner even when they are leading in having sex. Normal men have fear of being misunderstood for a pervert and they don't view their women as a sexual object for satisfying their desire. Men's pure passion makes men do things for the partner and try to make the partner happy. Men's true love makes them do their best to protect the partner. Men may have things they want to try when having sex with the partner, but they don't easily talk about them, and they are shy and gentle in suggesting and persuading. It is only natural that we have to respect the partner's opinions and compromise if necessary to maintain a healthy relationship sexually or otherwise. 

Men who adopt sex-lighting in a relationship with a woman does not take the partner as someone to respect, so they may get angry at or criticize the partner unfairly when their own desire is not satisfied. They would say, “Can't you just do such a little thing for the man you love?” or “It's for both of us not just for me.” This actually can be considered as sexual harassment since the mind of a woman who is sex-lighted operates in the same way as the mind of a woman who is a victim of a sex crime. Also, the mind of a man who adopts sex-lighting operates in the same way as a man who commits a sex crime. 

The woman partner may end up complying to the man's demand with respect to sexual actions for two reasons. The first reason is that women tend to equate sex with love. They perceive having sex as a means of love. That is, women have sex not to achieve sexual pleasure but to feel loving and loved. They may think that they cannot but comply with men's demand in having sex to continue their love. Then, women develop wounds in mimind that are equivalent to the level of wounds caused by sex crimes since they have to take sexual actions that are against their own standards. As women's wounds in mimind grow in such a distorted relationship, they become more dependent on men for consolation and they become more compliant with men's demand raising the level of perverted sexual actions. 

The second reason is that women's xesmind accepts only familiar xes information. That is, unfamiliar sexual actions are not accepted by women at first and they may refuse to do it. However, when they are exposed to it repeatedly and the specific sexual action becomes familiar whether they like it or not in the conscious, they begin to sense pleasure in their body and mind being engaged in the action. Furthermore, if the man who the woman shares the sexual actions with is perceived as the man she loves, the woman feels happy with the most bizarre sexual actions, such as having sex with another man and her so-called 'loving partner' watching them. In this situation, what women recognize as love and happiness in the conscious is actually the illusion that results from the operation of great wounds in the unconscious.

Women gradually become to comply with sex-lighting for these two reasons. Men adopt sex-lighting for their own sexual pleasure and women stay under the influence of sex-lighting since they perceive it as love and develop dependency on men. Women's body, mind, and sexuality are destroyed in this process as well as men's body, mind, and sexuality and they fall into higher and higher levels of perverted sexual actions and recognize intense sexual pleasure in the conscious. 

The destruction of the body, mind, and sexuality leads to the development of psychological disorders. Men may experience diverse types of somatization and sexual dysfunctions, sometimes fatal ones. They may be alive physically, but their mind is dead.

Men who are already adopting sex-lighting in relationships with women may feel strong resentment against this type of argument. They are only interested in their own sexual pleasure and they don't care whether women are destroyed or not. However, they must remember that they are destroying themselves physically and psychologically, too. In the next part, I will talk about what mechanism of body and mind leads to the collapse of men who adopt sex-lighting in relationships. 


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