
[Sex & Xes] There is no such thing as a secret method men can use to satisfy women.


Today, I will fact-check whether secret methods of sex that can satisfy every woman partner exist in reality. Actually, the wording, 'secret methods that can satisfy every woman partner' itself is illogical. Let's start with easy parts. 

Every woman has unique and different ways of recognizing sexual sensations, sexual arousal, and orgasm. They depend on each woman's levels of xes habits, or how much her body and mind are open to sexuality. Women's xes habits are hard to be formed by indirect experiences of sex. Most xes habits women have regarding sexual preference and sexual arousal are formed through direct experiences of sex. It is only natural that every woman has different levels of xes habits.

Therefore, no secret method that claims to satisfy every woman can work for every woman. Even women talk about secret methods that can be adopted by all women for sexual pleasure, but they can talk about such things since they don't know that every woman is unique and different in activating sexuality. Maybe they are not even interested in whether what they argue about is right or wrong if they just try to get people's attention and achieve selfish goals. 

A woman's sexual sensation and sexual arousal are necessarily connected with her feelings and emotions. Women amplify sexual sensation into feelings in mimind, and they sense a complete different type of orgasm from men's orgasm that is accompanied by ejaculation. Having sex is completed mostly with ejaculation for men, but it is not completed with orgasm for women because they experience the whole process with their whole body parts. It is commonly understood that having sex is over as men ejaculate but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way.

The level of women's sexual sensation and sexual arousal is determined by how much women accept the partner and sexuality in their mind. Women's inhibition in mimind causes most women to limit the level of their sexual sensation and sexual arousal in an undesirable way. Ironically, women who do not know about this mechanism and don't have many xes habits through abundant direct experiences of having sex can live with relatively healthy body and mind since their inhibition and lack of knowledge protect them from indiscriminate sexual actions. 

On the other hand, women who have dysfunctional habits in mimind and have developed psychological disorders cannot have their mimind control sexual actions. They can experience intense sexual arousal and orgasm easily with any partner. They become to pursue pleasure instead of love and happiness based on healthy body and mind. Then, is it women themselves or men or any magical technique that gives women sexual pleasure and orgasm? 

In this sense, the wording, 'secret methods that satisfy women' cannot be established as a proposition in the first place. It is not men or any method that satisfy women, but it is women themselves that satisfy themselves by activating their body, mind, and sexuality. Women themselves don't know about this mechanism, sot they let men lead in having sex and giving pleasure to them. 

Conventional concepts of sexuality lead people to believe that men should lead women in having sex and adopt fancy techniques to satisfy women, which is considered as men's sex ability. So many men are spending their time and energy to build the ability that doesn't even exist. 

Men's true sex ability is not the ability to satisfy women by taking the lead and adopting fancy techniques to satisfy women's sensory organs. It is the ability to protect women and comply with women in every aspect as women generate love and happiness through activating sexuality on their own. It sounds pretty easy to practice, but it is actually impossible for most men to practice because most men already have the distorted standards of their own sexual pleasure, so it is quite difficult to change their standards and begin to comply with women in having sex. Many men cannot even have an erection when their standard of sexual pleasure is not met from the start. 

Men who have true sex ability can comply with women in every aspect as much as women want under any circumstance. They can also lead women they love and protect to build true sex ability and enjoy sexual pleasure as much as women want. Then, men do not need any method or technique to satisfy women and they must not have such knowledge and information. Their women will bring them all the sexual pleasure that can be experienced in the world. 

Women centered-sexuality can generate passion and pleasure in men incomparable to any men-centered sexuality based on the fanciest technique. That is, men can have sexual pleasure beyond imagination with continuous and prolonged positive sensation instead of a short and isolated moment of pleasure that ends with ejaculation. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/

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