
[Mother Therapy] Forming healthy habits during adolescence


During adolescence, teenagers experience physical change and have higher levels of self-awareness than younger children. They mature both physically and psychologically at a fast rate during this period. Teenagers go through the phase of adaptation to relationship in early adolescence and the phase of formation of self-identity in mid and late adolescence. 

In the phase of adaptation to relationship, teenagers focus on forming habits of relationship and habits of emotions. They learn how to differentiate good relationships and bad relationships and form habits of forming and maintaining relationships. They also form the standards of developing and maintaining emotions and they have stress and wounds in relationships that don't accord with their thought standards. When they express stress and wounds regarding habits of relationships and emotions, parents and other adults may think that it is just because they are going through the period of adolescence. When teenagers express negative emotions or stress toward other people by speech, actions, and facial expressions, they can be guided to replace bad relationships with good ones and to build habits of healing stress in healthy ways.           

The next phase is the phase of formation of self-identity where teenagers form their own thought standards based on habits of survival, habits of adapting to relationships, and habits of forming and maintaining emotions. Everyone naturally develops stress and wounds whenever an external situation does not accord with their own thought standards. Teenagers may express their stress and wounds in unexpected ways from adult's point of view since they are still in the process of forming habits and cannot but go through trials and errors. 

Teenagers can adapt themselves to diverse situations and develop healthy psychology when they learn how to heal stress effectively in healthy ways and build as many diverse experiences as possible in a safe environment. Of course, they may develop distorted habits and wrong standards when they are neglected or abused. Then, they may even develop psychological disorders when they become adults. It is essential to provide a safe environment and guide teenagers to form healthy habits of relationships, emotions, and addressing stress and wounds in healthy ways.


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                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

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