
[Mother Therapy] Qualifying conditions of parents


What would be qualifying conditions of parents so that they can nurture children's healthy growth? The most important one of them must be parents' stabilized psychology. We all know that children are greatly affected by parents. However, we don't think much about it as far as children don't display any problematic behaviors. 

     When parents have unstable psychology and negative perception of themselves and others, it affects not only themselves but also their children in negative ways. Parents' distorted psychology can even have destructive power over children's life. It must be noted that parents' psychological condition affect children much more than most people think. Children perceive parents' unstable psychology and are directly affected even when parents don't express their psychological condition overtly. 

     Not many parents know about parenting from the start, but all parents want to be good parents and help their children develop healthy body and mind. Parents' stable psychology is the most important condition for children's healthy growth. If parents have psychological problems, they must treat their condition before they do anything else. Then, they can naturally nurture their children in healthy ways. 

     Anyone can develop psychological problems during the course of life either by being affected by other people or by developing problems themselves. Realizing that they have psychological problems and properly addressing them is the first step for becoming good parents. All parents can and must restore healthy psychology if they have unstable psychology. All parents can and must examine their psychological condition and make efforts to maintain or achieve healthy psychology with strong will power for happiness of themselves and their children. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

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