
[Mother Therapy] Right standards of parenting


    What did you think when your child was born? You may or may not remember, but you are most likely to have hoped your child will be healthy and happy all their life and to have thought you would do anything to help your child become healthy and happy. However, as you continue parenting for years and years and children grow, you may lose the initial resolution and begin to have more and more additional standards. Then, you feel frustrated and unhappy since all those standards cannot be met in parenting. 

     It is only natural that your standards of parenting can become different as time passes. However, when you put too much meaning to diverse standards of parenting, you will suffer from difficulties since you have so many things to manage and control. You may think that you and your children should be this way or that way and the number of rules keeps growing. You may feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the standards of parenting you have set up voluntarily when things don't go as you planned or expected.  

     At first, you have started only wishing that your child would become a healthy and happy person and it also made you happy. Then, you ended up adding one standard after another in parenting without even accurately understanding the developmental phases of child psychology. You naturally get stressed and develop wounds from parenting. You become irritable and get angry at children. You begin to think that your children have some problems. 

     Parents must accurately understand the developmental psychology of children and must adopt the right parenting strategies to be able to raise children in healthy ways. When you adopt parenting strategies based on only your own thought standards, you will necessarily develop stress and wounds in your mind, which in turn makes parenting even more difficult and causes conflicts in the parent-child relationship. Every parent should accurately understand developmental phases of child psychology and the characteristics of each phase. Then, you will find that parenting can be simple and quite enjoyable. 

     When you adopt the right parenting strategies, children will feel protected and nurtured, which makes their psychology stable and their thoughts and behaviors healthy. You don't have to set rules for each and every matter of children's life. You can encourage and wait for them to make trials and errors and find their goals and dreams for themselves. Accurately understanding the developmental process of psychology may look trivial but it can be of great help if you feel burdened with parenting. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                        Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

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