
[SATW] Women who want to be good at sex


    There can be many reasons for women wanting to be good at sex. The reasons are usually to satisfy the partners rather than themselves. Women usually do not think that they want to be good at sex for their own sexual happiness because they are just satisfied with the fact that they have sex with the partner they love regardless of the level of sexual satisfaction. Women's satisfaction of sex is not in proportion with the levels of orgasm. It is in proportion with the levels of feelings toward the partner. 

     When women want to be good at sex, it is usually for satisfying the partner. Or they may want to build the sense of confidence in sexual actions. The sense of confidence also comes from the partner's response in most cases, so either way, it is not for their own sexual happiness but for complying with the partner. 

     After all, women want to satisfy their partners because they love their partners. It is quite different from the reason for men wanting to satisfy women. Normal men perceive their women being satisfied as their own pleasure. However, women do not perceive their men being satisfied as their own pleasure. They may just think that men's love toward women have gotten stronger due to good sex. Women's wanting to satisfy men is the desire for love rather than the desire for sexual pleasure. 

     However, women's activation of sexuality in this way wanting to be good at sex leads them to activate xes energy in negative ways and develop wounds and sexual desire in women. They may keep wanting stronger sexual attention from the partner since they use sex as a means to getting love. Women's wounds keep growing when the desire for sexual attention is not satisfied and they may develop the vicious cycle in which they become dependent on and obsessed with the partner. 

     It is fine for women to have sufficient information and knowledge on sexuality since women are the main agents of their own sexuality in activating sexuality and generating positive energy. However, women should not directly apply information and knowledge on sexuality to having sex, but they should internalize it and let it manifest naturally as sources for generating positive energy. 

     Women who can activate xes energy for themselves can generate great sexual happiness. Then, they don't have to try hard to do anything in sexual actions and still the partner can also have great sexual pleasure. 

     The conventional concept of sexuality is mostly male-centered and quite distorted. Both men and women focus on men's point of view in having sex thinking that it will give greater sexual pleasure to both parties. However, it is women's satisfaction and women's sexual happiness from their own point of view that bring both parties true sexual pleasure and happiness. 

     Women who want to be good at sex in a true sense should learn how to become the main agents in activating sexuality. Women becoming the main agents in sexual actions is the only way to generate sexual happiness without generating wounds in mimind. This can be achieved through taking Sex Ability Training for Women. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/ 

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