
[Mother Therapy] What is Mother Therapy?


Many people ask what they can achieve through taking Mother Therapy. In a nutshell, you can learn about mother's happiness and help your children generate happiness for themselves. Many people think and know that parenting strategies and parent-child relationships are important in child rearing. Parents willingly take lectures and read books about parenting. Then, why does the relationship with children become more and more difficult as time passes and parents and children become more and more distant from each other as they children grow? How come some intervention strategies make the situation worse?

     There can be three points to consider when parenting doesn't work as you have intended. First, the mother should understand what mother's happiness is. Mother's happiness comes from giving love and attention to children. It is the opposite from the mother asking children to do something for her, whatever the something is. However, many mothers misunderstand this point and have distorted idea of mother's happiness. The mother with distorted concept of mother's happiness may keep asking children to be compliant or do well at school, thinking that it will make her happy. Then, conflicts necessarily occur in parent-child relationship. Conflicts may increase as time passes. 

     Secondly, mothers need to keep making efforts in the right direction. They have to accurately understand the mechanism and apply the right parenting strategies. You don't have to discard all your habits and routines. You only have to add a few right strategies based on accurate understanding. You can go step by step without getting yourself and your children too stressed. You can form new habits of parenting and put them into practice. As you keep making efforts, you will find yourself and your children smiling and talking together sharing everything in daily life. 

     The third point is that every parenting is unique and every child is unique. Other parents' parenting methods may have worked for their children but may not work for you and your children. It is not recommended that you follow specific parenting methods that are supposed to be effective. You just need to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and apply the right parenting strategies to suit your situation. You may make mistakes at first, but you can just keep working keeping the right standards in your mind.

     Mother Therapy guides mothers to adopt the right parenting methods that promote mother's happiness and children's happiness at the fundamental level. You will take Mind Training and do tasks getting feedback on your progress. Any mother can build the basis for happiness of mothers and children and apply it during daily interaction with children. You will apply your own unique parenting strategies based on accurate understanding of the operational mechanism of human mind. You will become happy as a mother, help your children flourish in a safe and nurturing environment, and naturally build good relationship with your children. 


                           Apply for free consultation

                        on child's psychological problem

                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/


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