
[Mother Therapy] Making your child be interested in school work

      First of all, parents must let children understand that happiness and having knowledge are not related. Children become to believe that they should be good at school work to be happy when they are pressed for studying hard by parents and teachers. Then, they can encourage children to work hard for school work because they need basic knowledge and ability to be able to do things they want when they become adults. It is also wrong that parents tell children they don’t have to study if they are not interested in.  

Children learn many things in the process of working hard for school work. It is a firsthand experience for learning how to manage their time and effort, how to adapt themselves to different situations, and how to make use of their cognition and metacognition for doing tasks. Having knowledge and basic abilities is a necessary part in having a good life. Of course, happiness is more important than academic achievement.

As children connect being happy and being good at school work, they become to feel stressed and unhappy, and don’t like studying. When they understand that being happy and being good at school work are unrelated with each other, they may not feel stressed and begin to show interest in school work. When they feel too stressed about having to study to be happy, they may develop psychological problems. When children understand being happy is more important and they have stable psychology, they will naturally start studying subjects they like without feeling burdened or stressed.


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                   on child's psychological problem

                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net 

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