
[Mother Therapy] Parents who ruin their children's lives


When a child has a problem, it's understandably difficult for parents, but they try to solve their child's problem no matter what. In most cases, parents are greatly helpful in solving their child's problems, but in some cases, they're ruining their child's life.         

Let's take a look at two cases of how parents can ruin their children's lives. The first is when a parent ruins their child's life because they have serious psychological problems of their own. This is when a child has a problem, but the parent abandons or neglects their child because they are having a hard time with their own life and don't want to deal with their child's problem. 

In this case, most of the child's problems are actually caused by parental indifference, neglect, abuse, violence, etc. Children are then unable to turn to the parent for help when they get into trouble with themselves, school, friends, or others. If parents themselves have psychological problems, they must either take Mother Therapy so that they can create habits of healing themselves and enjoy raising their children, or they must do Mother Therapy in combination with KIP Mind Training so that they can restore healthy mind and build habits of healing and happiness, and also enjoy raising their children. Then, parents will have the ability to solve all of their children's problems, and they will be able to live a happy life while raising their children, and their children will be raised safely and healthily.

      The second is when a parent's inability to solve their child's problems ruins their child's life. This is usually the case when a parent has tried many ways to solve their child's problems, but the child's problems persist or worsen, or when they solve one problem and another problem arises, and they are convinced that there is nothing they can do to solve their child's problems. They may think that they have done their best, and eventually they may give up trying to solve their child's problems.

      In this case, the child's problem gets worse and worse, and the parent feels helpless, blaming self or other people, and the family breaks down. The first step to take in such a case is to find the right way to solve the child's problem. Maybe the solution was wrong, or the parent was applying the solution incorrectly. In solving the child's problems, the parent must help the child to solve the problem on his or her own, and  raise the child in a safe and healthy environment so that both the parent and the child can live happily.


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                   on child's psychological problem

                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net  

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