
Self-actualization of a PIR (Person in Relationships)


           Each one of you is a person as well as a PIR (a person in relationships). A human being is born as a person, has the right to pursue self-happiness, and pursues self-actualization living as a PIR. Human beings live for self-actualization, so all of our works are for self-actualization. Hence, whatever works you do are for your self-actualization. No matter what has caused you to work such as by force, for your own needs, for your better future, for better efficiencies of work, for making your career, etc. All of these are to satisfy your desires that you need at work. The satisfaction of desires is for self-actualization.

To pursue self-actualization, a person needs to be physically healthy and recognize his or her self-existence; it is a process of actualizing the value of self-existence by having meanings from psychological stabilization, happiness, and having knowledge and techniques for one's success. The self-actualization is closely related to knowledge, virtue, propriety, and health, which are the same goals shared in education: elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Health, psychology, and knowledge are indispensable elements for self-actualization. However, most people do not recognize it, resulting that people do not know what they live for. The education integrating the elements is called either 'human education' or 'well-rounded education.' According to this, we learn either techniques or work capability but without knowing the purpose of learning them. We must know and understand that we are learning techniques and work capability for either the formation of self-identity or self-actualization.

           The priority of self-actualization is health. Without health, psychology cannot be stabilized. No matter how much you've learned and how successful you have become, self-actualization is impossible if you are not healthy. It especially has a direct relationship with survival and existence as a person rather than being a PIR. Survival and existence as a person are the prerequisites for the pursuit of self-happiness. Physical health must come before psychological health.

           What matters is not the location of mind and psychology. Since body and mind are connected as one, the body must be healthy for the mind to be healthy. At this point, the mind is 'the recognizing place where emotions are kept' and felt, whereas psychology is 'the mind operations that allow perception, memory, and expression to be done. Ultimately, psychology is operated the same as emotions that make us feel the happiness and satisfy desires. Once again, psychological stabilization can be done only if one is physically healthy. It is the reason that physical health is the number one priority.

           You won't be able to take care of your mind if your body is ill. The ill body must be cured first in order to have desires for self-actualization. As a human being, one must be certain that oneself is physically healthy. Even if you have a disease that has not been found yet, you will try to form the stabilization and the happiness of the mind if you believe that you are physically healthy, which means that you unknowingly become wanting to be comfortable. With a healthy body and stabilized mind, you will try to make yourself better.

           Physical health allows the mind to be comfortable, whereas it is impossible to think about other things with an uncomfortable mind. So, it is important not to be stressed out. You cannot work and study properly when you are stressed. It lowers effectiveness and efficiency. In cases, you cannot focus on your studying when you have to do another task without completing works that you've been doing at work or when you are not prepared at all for the works that you have to do on the next day. If you can't stop thinking about things that you have not finished yet or things that you must to do on the next day, you will end up going back to your work. The unstable mind makes you not be able to think any of the knowledge.

           As mentioned above, physical health will be followed by a stabilized mind; when you feel happy, the desire for learning will be created automatically; you will think of the studies for knowledge, knowing and understanding, aims of success and achievement, various ideas, etc. Moreover, you will take related information easily, and your understanding and memories will be activated as well.

           However, the educations we have in reality are different from the order of self-actualization. The educations focus not on physical health and mind but on knowledge. Physical health and mind are not being cared for; instead, deliveries of knowledge such as knowledge of techniques, duties, life in realities, etc. take up the majority part of the educations in realities. Even in other organizations or enterprises, the focus is on deliveries of knowledge by educating knowledge.

           The education of delivering knowledge allows us to learn, understand, and remember knowledge constantly; stress is aroused in your thoughts in this process. The more the stress is accumulated, the more the mind becomes unstable. Due to this, health issues may occur. If you take knowledge education in the state where your health and mind are not stable, problems will occur in your mind and health.

           Those who listen to the elders well and study hard and well have problems in their minds in most cases, which is pretty surprising. In actual counseling for psychological treatment, the client's level of education, academic degrees, the capability of business and tasks, and etc. are analyzed because whether his or her mind is stable must be analyzed fundamentally. In most cases, these people have psychological problems because the unconscious, which controls the mind, is not formed since they do not know and understand the mind even though their level of knowledge is outstanding.      Have you ever thought about how you heal (release) this stress when it occurs? You must think about it.

           Stress occurs everywhere, from work and daily lives. The more civilizations and industrializations are developed and improved, the stronger the stress will become resulting in an unstable mind. So, more psychological problems are generated; we tend to resolve these psychological problems with knowledge. Due to this, various psychological disorders like 'psychopath' or 'sociopath' occur and are constantly enlarged worldwide. Compared to the past, intellectual people commit crimes in the present because they use their knowledge for stabilizing their minds, which is why the number of intellectual crimes is increasing. Damaging others intellectually and harming themselves in the end in forms of having psychological disorders are because of their excessive knowledge they have gained without considering physical health and mind.

           As the Internet and smartphones are more developed in modern society, we live with tons of information and knowledge. People think that they will live more abundant lives as they get more information and knowledge, but in fact, their minds become more devastated. It is because they don't have the mind to process the information and knowledge they have.

           Even executive officers, managers, and employers in doing their works do not know how to control and manage their minds. That is to say that problems have occurred in their character, which is the nature that a human being gets as he or she is born. What matters at this point is how they have formed their minds ever since they were born; they live with anxieties as constant formations of stress due to educations focused more on knowledge than on health and mind.

           Every human being pursues self-actualization regardless of age and gender. For self-actualization, we must become healthy first. If physical health is secured, we will pursue stable minds. We can find a way to stabilize our minds at this point; the mind will automatically be stabilized and comfortable once the principles of psychology are understood clearly. This is the healing method of your stress.

           The intellectual desire such as desires for learning more knowledge, desires for understanding the meanings and values of life, and desires for success and achievement of goals is strengthened when the mind is stabilized. That is to say, educations for stabilizing minds must be done first before knowledge educations since intellectual desire grows naturally when the mind is stable. The education for stabilizing mind is 'human education' or 'well-rounded education.'

           Recently, for example, there was a person who took 'psychological education of the unconscious.' He was a repair engineer of an after-service center. He was a high-school graduate and in his 30’s. He learned the principles of mind and psychology accurately as he took 'psychological education of the unconscious' and told me that he started understanding the books. At the moment, he read books related to philosophy and humanities. He enjoyed reading studies as his mind has become stable. He used to have headaches when reading these books before knowing the principles of mind and psychology; he also either slept or played games because of his stress. He said the contents of books began to understand and he couldn't believe these changes.

           Knowledge education must be taken by one's own desires for self-actualization as intellectual desires are formed naturally when the mind becomes stable. It must not be done by rote. The true personality education is not the education of teaching nice and excellent writings but letting us know the principles of the mind and psychology; through this personality education, intellectual desires are generated as the mind becomes stable.

           All of you automatically become making efforts to satisfy intellectual desires as your mind becomes comfortable and happy. If knowledge education is processed at this point, the contents will be accepted and understood naturally. In this case, you feel the knowledge education interesting and happy, which results in that you become enjoying the studies. Acquisition of knowledge for works and techniques, for improvement of the capability of works, for self-improvement, etc. can be done in a happy and interesting way under the condition of a stable mind.

           It is because of desires for self-actualization that operates the same for every human being. Therefore, in order to satisfy desires for self-actualization, you must be physically healthy; that way your mind will be stable allowing you to be comfortable and happy. When your mind is stable, you will be able to actualize the meanings and values of life as your intellectual desires become stronger.

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