
The Disorder of Emotions of Work


           The disorder of emotions means having problems in emotions; this usually happens to females. Whereas males have the disorder of the conscious usually as problems occur in thinking since they have standards of values in their minds, it is usual for females having the disorder of emotions since their minds have standards of emotions. Accordingly, the disorder of emotions is operated and weighted to only one side, which is either like or dislike; happiness or unhappiness. The disorder of emotions such as depression, insomnia, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, phobias, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, etc. happens commonly to females. If a male has a disorder of emotions, he must be treated since it makes him very painful and difficult. If not, he could face a very serious situation. Especially, as for depression, it occurs commonly to females, but it is very painful to males and it causes suicidal risks to them. Therefore, it is urgent for them to get treatment. Also, if females have the disorder of the conscious, they will only pursue fun in human relationships resulting in them into hedonism. Psychological disorders like these are phenomena generated due to the psychology of instinct wanting to pursue happiness.

           The disorders of emotions mean that problems have occurred in the emotions of oneself. It makes oneself difficult but does not damage others. This is the opposite of the disorders of the conscious. They don't like doing work and suffer from work, but anyhow, they keep working and become psychologically painful due to wounds and stress are continually accumulated. When a person is suffering from a disorder of emotions, others do not notice that this person has problems because they are not bothered or damaged by this person even though the person himself or herself is having a difficult time. When a person is suffering from a disorder of emotions, others around this person do not notice that this person has problems because they are not bothered or damaged by this person. Females can endure and be patient even when their emotions are difficult when doing house chores and work. However, due to the operations of emotions, their minds become difficult. So, for females, a few warm words are an important element to heal their minds. Just make sure to be clear that having interests more than giving a few words when working might cause another problem. If a female gives good or comforting words to a male, this male might misunderstand as if she is interested in him, causing him to have a delusional disorder. This could be the cause of sexual harassment that happens often in the workplace.

           It is good for females to use these warm words when working since these words can heal their psychological (emotional) difficulties. Those with disorders of emotions think romantic relationships or attachment relationships among human relationships are important and make efforts to satisfy these relationships. People with the disorder of the conscious need human relationships that pursue fun and interest, but people with the disorder of emotions think human relationships that give interest, comfort, and encouragement are important. Working females resolve and heal the disorder of emotions generated from working through attachment relationships related to human relationships.

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