
Disorder of the Conscious of Work


           Among psychological disorders, let's look into the relationship between the disorder of the conscious and work. The disorder of the conscious means that problems have occurred in being confident of one's own thoughts in human relationships and social activities. It is not a matter of whether the person works well or not. A person with the disorder of the conscious tends to do his or her work as he or she wishes due to strong self-assertion. It occurs commonly in males. However, it does not mean that this person must be treated. If the person creates values of self-actualization for both the self and others and does not damage the self and others, this person doesn't need to be treated. However, if the self and others are damaged or become difficult due to the psychological disorder, the person needs to be treated. Therefore, you must not think that psychological disorders are always bad and wrong.

           The disorder of the conscious, which is a type of psychological disorders, is operated by strong mind energy. So, a person with the disorder of the conscious is certain about whether his or her values of life are right or wrong and is confident of what he or she thinks right when working. For representatives of the disorder or the conscious, which is value-centered, are addiction, personality disorder, delusional disorder, etc.

           As for delusional disorder especially, it is generated from anxieties; people with delusional disorders think things that do not exist in reality as if they exist. This disorder is useful for work when making plans, imagining, being creative, and suggesting ideas. However, megalomania is categorized as a mental illness since people with this illness believe things that do not exist really exist for sure. It appears with hallucinations. When working, people with megalomania believe what they have planned, imagined and ideas that have suggested are actualized. They are into narcissism and cannot come out of it. Delusional disorder and megalomania often appear in reality. Let's think about the lottery for example. a person imagines winning the lottery and what he or she would like to do with the money. From this, he or she feels fun, interesting, and active but comes back to reality after short disappointment if they don't win the lottery. When this is applied to work, this person is more likely to be in delusion. He or she thinks that himself or herself is doing well even though problems have occurred in human relationships. Even though he or she gets stress from not working well at the workplace, this person is confident that he or she can do well and better next time because of the thought that he or she is doing everything fine, rather than trying to improve problems. In the end, problems occur in your own thoughts. 

           People with addiction, personality disorder, delusional disorder are good with immersion, concentration, memory, creativeness, and making plans. However, if they get immersed in their work so much, themselves might be fine but could make others be in difficulties. Without understanding why others are suffering from difficulties, these people with psychological disorders think they are right, but others are wrong. Others know that these people have problems, but those with psychological disorders don't notice that they have problems. They are fine as long as they have fun and are confident; they do not mind about others. Moreover, if someone who always brings problems when working says that he or she can do whatever and is confident about it, it is not easy for you to assign him or her works to do. If someone does his or her best when working but always makes problems, that person probably has the disorder of the conscious.

           The disorder of the conscious can be treated without difficulties if the person with the disorder accurately recognizes him or her having problems in psychology and has will to treat. Thinking that they have problems is the most important and the biggest core of getting away from the disorder of the conscious because they usually do not know that they have the disorder of the conscious.

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