
Psychological Disorder of Work


           There are many methods to analyze the psychological disorders of workers. Psychological disorders can be analyzed without difficulties by analyzing facial expressions, speech, actions, or gestures through questions after categorizing these people whether they are white-collar workers, blue-collar workers, or emotional laborers. At this point, the psychological disorder must be categorized into either disorder of the conscious or disorder of emotions.

           The characteristic of psychological disorders is that people with this type of disorder highly concentrate on their work. They focus on, get immersed in, and remember their work well. Productivity and efficiency are good; their creativeness and development possibility are high as well. Whatever their work is assigned, they can do it well. In other words, they are crazy about their work. They are deeply engaged in their work, which is good for a company and its organization since the company and its organization are more likely to be successful with just a few numbers of employees who are addicted to work. This psychological disorder increases concentration, immersion, memory, creativeness, etc.; all of these consume one's mind energy. Stress and wounds are generated due to this, making the self or others feel difficult. A person with a disorder of the conscious if fine but makes others difficult; a person with a disorder of emotions does not make others feel difficult or makes himself or herself difficult. Like this, a psychological disorder is advantageous for work, but it causes problems in human relationships. Therefore, work and psychological disorders are in an inseparable relation.

           First, when looking into the human's mind, the mind is composed of the conscious and the unconscious; as for psychology, it is composed of migenes that generate energy, habits operated by the energy, and the conscious, operated by the habits. The mind is like the energy-making factory.

           When looking into the conscious, the conscious means recognizing and feeling through perceptions, thoughts, memories, intended expressions, etc. That is to say that it is to think and feel. The psychological disorder of the conscious means that problems have occurred in the process of recognizing and thinking through the conscious.

           As for the habits, they are the things that are not recognized and not felt through perceptions, thoughts, memories, expressions, etc. but operate. In other words, habits are the operation that allows one to think and feel. The psychological disorder of the habits means that problems occur when habits operate. Expressions are the representative of habits. A person who habitually hits others when he or she is in a good mood is more likely to become physically violent when either this person gets angry or strong stress comes in. Whatever habits they have, people express stress through their habits. The patterns of expressions are related to speech, actions, and facial expressions and are applied unknowingly.

The disorder of the conscious causes problems in opinions of right and wrong since problems have occurred in recognizing and feeling. If you say 'wrong' to a certain opinion when others say 'right,' it means that you have the disorder of the conscious. Whether the opinion is right or wrong, it is not an important matter; what matters is that you think differently from others. Having the disorder of the conscious does not always mean that it is problematic; it is just that problems have occurred when your mind operates in human relationships during social activities.

         The most representative example of the disorder of the conscious is personality disorders. A person with personality disorder thinks, acts, perceives, and remembers things differently from others. Because of this reason, the person perceives that others have problems instead of recognizing himself or herself is the one having problems in human relationships or social activities. So, whether it is right or wrong, the person with a personality disorder is certain with what he or she feels through thoughts upon opinions.

           A disorder of the conscious usually occurs in males, especially those with strong self-assertion. They assure their assertions are right. If they think they've got damaged from problems with others and if they are not recovered from the damage, it is more likely to continue. For example, let's assume that you need to borrow some money for your business from your friend. If your friend rejects your request with saying that 'the business won't be successful,' you get more stress from what your friend said rather than from that you couldn't borrow the money. It is because what your friend said is different from your assertion. If you keep persuading your friend, finally borrow the money, and make your business successful, you will release the stress you had before by returning stress. You will say to your friend, 'you said it would fail, but I actually did make my business successful because I was certain about my success.' People with disorder of the conscious like this hold grudges. It won't normally appear but comes out someday when their thoughts are verified clearly. When economic values, social values, and the values of human relationships are proven in competitive advantage, it becomes more pronounced. By proving that their thoughts were correct, they release the stress they had before; this usually happens in males.

           Unlike males, what happens commonly in females is a disorder of emotions. This is having problems in the unconscious, which is a habit. In other words, problems occur in the flows and patterns of emotions. Due to this, rather than right or wrong, whether their emotions are good or bad is what matters. If you say you like something when others don't like it or if you say you don't like something when others like it, you have a disorder of emotions.

           This can be seen in the workplace. Males are more likely to be certain with their assertions because of the disorder of the conscious. Females are more likely to be certain with their emotions because they usually have the disorder of emotions. 

           This psychological disorder may be perceived as if it separates males and females if it is categorized into males and females, but it is separated just because the mind operations of males and females are different. Because of this, if problems occur when a male and a female work together, the female analyzes the work based on whether she likes or not whereas the male analyzes it based on whether it is right or wrong. The way to reconcile after having conflicts for work is also different for males and for females. The male still thinks that changing and correcting something that is not right must be done even though he says, 'I am sorry about this, I thought wrong, I will change this.' However, female's emotions are still not good even though the male said 'I'm sorry,' if her emotions have become negative after the conflict. Even if she works together with the male, her emotion of dislike still continues. Then she says, 'I know he is right, but still, I don't like working with him.' This is the phenomenon happening due to the difference in male's and female's minds, and it can be found not only in work but also in a daily life.

           Because of this, it is natural to follow the female's opinion if there is a conflict between a male and a female in the work process. It is not a matter of right and wrong but a matter of emotions. Males’ opinions are future-oriented when working whereas females' opinions are more realistic; realistically, there are no other options than following the females' opinions.

           Male's thoughts, the conscious, are future-oriented, abstract, make plans, and talk about possibilities. Even though it is difficult and disliking, they move towards possibility if they have hope. Thus, visions and hope are important for males. Even when working, visions and hopes for values of life that they get by working are very important since they are the energy of life, the basis of passion, and values of the future.

           However, females are different. Since habits are being operated, the unconscious is realistic, specific, what they must feel in a person. Rather than possibilities, the present results are important. Even if it is possible and hopeful in the future, their future is the same as if it doesn't exist if they don't like things and they feel difficult in the present. Therefore, everything depends on whether their present feelings are positive or negative (like or dislike).

           If problems have occurred in the conscious (thoughts), it is a disorder of the conscious; it is the disorder of emotions if problems have occurred in emotions (habits). These psychological disorders are not supposed to be judged by 'whether they are good or bad' and 'whether they are problematic or not.' Psychological disorder means having problems in the mind and psychology in the process of self-actualization, which is the values of human relationships and social activities. These kinds of disorders don't necessarily need to be treated if they provide happiness of self-actualization to oneself and others. Instead, they can be prevented from developing into another psychological disorder. However, they need to be treated if they make oneself or others feel difficult instead of providing happiness of self-actualization. Thus, a person doesn't necessarily have problems just because he or she has a psychological disorder; not all the psychological disorders need to be treated.

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