
Work Addiction (Workaholism)


           Work addiction is a syndrome that one works hard and cannot live without doing work, which means that it is a sort of disease. However, the word 'compulsion' must be included in its name because the passion for work also makes also make one work hard. Passion is generated by enjoying working, liking somebody, having fun doing something, etc. Work addiction is not the passion for work but the compulsive desire for working that can only be relieved by working. It is a psychological disorder.

           People say that work addiction is not a bad thing. Rather, they like it. Some say that they would like to be addicted to work. For some of you, your spouse or family could say to you, 'get addicted to your work please.' It is because work addiction is followed by wealth and honor by obtaining economic and social values. This work addiction could be valuable to your spouse, children, and other family members even though it is a psychological disorder. 

           The biggest problem of work addiction is that work is the cause of compulsion and the object of relieving the compulsion. That is to say that stress is generated due to work and can only be relieved by doing work. It is not relieved by anything else. Work is the powerful stress and the only way to heal the stress. A work addict relieves stress by doing work whenever stress is generated, regardless of its kind. If strong stress is generated by fighting against someone, this person relieves his or her stress by doing work. Whether it is compulsion or stress, the work addict relieves it by work. Compulsion is formed immediately when a small piece of information about work is perceived. The strong and compulsive desire for doing work is formed by ideas, creativity, other things that remind working to the work addict. This person suffers from the compulsion that causes him or her feeling as if he or she would fall behind or as if ideas would disappear. The work addict can be free from the compulsion and feel comfortable and happy only if this person gets to work. Therefore, work addiction is the same as living in compulsions, strong stress, and wounds. 

           We can see that work addiction is a problem, which has occurred in the mind. When looking at the system of the mind, psychology is composed of migenes that generates mind energy, habits being operated by migenes, and perception being operated, felt, and recognized by habits.

           People do not believe that there is the energy of the mind. The existence of the energy of the mind can be recognized even though it cannot be proved. Think about a person who fell into the water. The person will float on the water if he or she relaxes but will sink in water if he or she doesn't. You should think about why the person can either float on or sink in the water even though there is no change in his or her body weight. Also, a drunk person can be considered as he or she is not conscious. A person, who is tanked up, is very heavy, heavier than when the person is awake. Moreover, a dead body, the state of where both the conscious and the unconscious are stopped, is much heavier than the drunk person. All of these are phenomena you can directly and indirectly experience. The reason for feeling changes in the bodyweight by operations of the conscious and the unconscious although there is no change is due to the operation of mind energy.

           Habit, the unconscious, is operated by migenes which create the mind energy; this energy can be used for either good or bad depending on how the psychology of habit and of the conscious are operated. Because of this, work addiction causes the repetitive phenomena of having stress and wounds aroused by compulsion and of relieving the compulsion; the mind energy affects the psychology of habit and the conscious abnormally. This is why the mind energy is supplied as bad energy. The problem is that the psychology of habit and psychology of the conscious also have impacts on the body. If the psychology of habit and psychology of the conscious operate as bad energy, the body is also supplied with bad energy.

           Therefore, a work addict could suddenly have a serious physical illness or a heart attack (sudden death) with a high possibility. Of course, it has not been yet proven medically, but if a person has a serious physical illness or heart attack (sudden death), you must think about work addiction as its cause. I just assume that it is because the mind energy is used as bad energy and has negative impacts on the body.

           Moreover, prevention and treatment are important since stress and wounds are caused by compulsion because work addiction generates not only psychological or physical problems, but it could also cause another psychological disorder or serious addiction. Other types of addiction may occur psychologically. Also, it may occur physically, such as neurologically-based disorders, somatization disorders, or physical diseases. It is not irrelevant to say that people with psychological disorders suffer with high stress and wounds including headache, migraine, gastroenteric trouble, irritable bowel syndrome etc. in most cases. 

           Like this, in the mind, bad energy of wounds and stress has an impact on the psychology of habit and of the conscious. Despite the values of life generated from being addicted to work, it must be understood that the body and the mind could be negatively affected by psychological disorders. 

           Work addiction and having lots of work are different. Tiredness due to excessive work is physical fatigue. This type of tiredness is recovered if the person gets rest comfortably; at this point, rest is the healing. However, people accumulate tiredness when they have more work. It will result in them to suffer chronic fatigue syndrome because they form compulsions on work addiction, which can be relieved by working. This could be a very serious circumstance and is the reason why work addiction is dangerous.

           Another problem is that the object of compulsion can be changed from work to another one. A person is a work addict if the object of his or her compulsion is work, a gambler if it is a gamble, and a drug addict if it is drugs. So, work addition must not be neglected by perceiving it as valuable. It is important to keep the level of addiction and prevent it from being changed to another kind of addiction. If addiction that damages others has occurred as well, this addiction must be treated and prevented it from being changed to another kind. If it is not recognized, people, especially those of you who have gained social status, honor, and economic wealth, might lose everything at once as the object of their compulsion changes although they have made values of a successful life. 

           Thus, if you think you are a work addict, you'd better prevent or treat the addiction for the reason mentioned above and the additional reason that you could damage not only yourself, but also others. You should know that many people lose the values they have gained after they become successful in their business or work because their work addiction has changed to another kind. As already it mentioned several times, addiction can be changed to another kind; it causes problems not only to oneself, but also to others. Making values of life is important, but you must understand that keeping the values is more important. Living hard is good, but make sure to know and understand that work addiction is a dangerous psychological disorder.

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