
The Stress of Works & Psychology


           Stress is unavoidable when working, but types of stress are different depending on the reasons for working. We covered 4 types of choosing works: working without thoughts or values, working without any other choice despite the stress, working as the means for certain goals, and immersing in works due to love towards the jobs.

           Some of you might ask, 'how can you categorize this into only four types? They could be mixed.' Well, you may feel that 2~3 mingled together, but the mind does not operate being mingled. For example, let's think about a case of you thinking that 'I work without thoughts because it is the means for my purpose.' This thought is separated into two different thoughts from the mind's point of view: 'working without thoughts' and 'working as the means for the purpose.' The mind operates in one way of the two, not simultaneously.

           First, stress is not generated when working without thoughts since the conscious does not operate. People in this category just do what they are told to do only. They walk on eggshells while they are at the workplace and get off work when it's time. If they have to stay and work overtime, they will be fine with that if they get the overtime payment. Simply saying, they just follow and do as others do. There is no need for thinking. They don't get stress generated from their work. It may seem that it is dangerous to have people of this type as staff, but they are very suitable for your right arms. There are strengths and weaknesses. In case of having a person of this type as your right arm, you are more likely to have problems if that person thinks about his or her work. But you can't judge that person is either wrong or bad. When looking at business problems generated by a person you trust, most of them are due to that he or she thinks about the given jobs.

           Second, those who work without any other option, they get stress more from personal problems than from their work. People in this category get stress from themselves that they have no other options than working even though they don't want to work. Regardless of the amount of work, they just hate the situation they are involved in. In general, they have complaints about the commute, working environment, the importance of their work, coworkers, etc.; they say they don't like their work because of these reasons, but in fact, they are just finding the stress about themselves from other causes. They get the stress from themselves that they must work for economic values even though they don't want to work. They cannot express that they hate their work, resulting in stress being operated within them and making themselves suffer more difficulties. Therefore, they end up blaming their surroundings due to the stress about themselves, not the stress about the work.

           Third, those doing their jobs as the means for their purpose think of the next goal in the future when they do well on their present works because they think their work is not the goal and the dream but is just like a stepping-stone towards their goal. So, people in this category have a lot of stress about their work. They complain a lot about their works and jobs because of not the stress about themselves but the work stress. It doesn't mean that they hate their work. They just get stress from their work. Especially, people whose work is related to cooperation are in this category. Those who are willing to work well as the means for their purposes are also in this category. They've got to do their jobs nicely, but they are stressed out when they are given works to do because what they do is not for their goals but the means for their purposes.  

           Let's talk about the stress of a person who was once a civil servant for an example. It is very usual that they are given extra work to do from their boss 10~20 minutes before they get off work. He was given extra work and told to finish them before the meeting that was scheduled for the next morning. 'Basically, what my boss is saying is don't go home and get to work all night up. That drives me crazy! This happened frequently, so I just quit the job! I couldn't deal with the stress anymore. I actually loved my job and enjoyed my work, but I was always ordered to do extra work right before the time that I get off work even though they could be done during the work hours. That was dreadful.'

           Fourth, those who immerse in the charm of their work and enjoy working itself do not get stress, but have strong passion generated. They think it is worth enough to stay all night up for work. They really enjoy their work. The passion generated at this point is the power to immerse in the fun and interest; as it gets strengthened, achievement also gets strengthened resulting in no stress. However, excessive immersion is the problem. This excessive immersion can be usually seen in males' psychology. This excessive immersion does not allow them to feel the tiredness. The excessive passion generated by excessive immersion makes us not know the physical tiredness. Due to this, a sudden severe illness, heart attack, and sudden death may occur.

           Those who work even though they hate working evade stress pretty well in their own ways when stress comes in because they cannot endure it. It is the same for those who work as the means for their purposes. People in these two categories get to work as they get big stress but cannot immerse themselves in their work passionately.

           In cases of working passionately due to the charm of work, it may look good, but it is very dangerous. People in this category do not have a fixed time to go and off work. They immerse themselves in their work without considering fulfilling requirements for survival such as eating, sleeping, resting, etc. because they are so passionate about working itself. They think the time for sleeping, eating, commuting, resting, etc. is waste. They think working itself fulfills the economic values, values of human relationships, and values of social activities and feels the happiness of self-actualization. It applies the same for other things as well.  If excessive immersion is generated like this, a sudden physical problem might occur due to chronic fatigue. One of the reasons for sudden death is excessive immersion in the charm of work. It is because health is not the number one priority to be taken care of in this case.

           Work is always followed by stress. For those having knowledge related work gets stress due to operations of the conscious; for those having work that is related to physical activities have physical tiredness accumulated because their jobs are the operations of the unconscious expressions. Thus, works are directly related to stress.

           Stress is not related to the amount of work; the work itself is stress. This is related to the work operating as one's own value; if the work is not connected to economic values, values of human relationships, and values of social activities, strong stress is generated making us feel as if we are the slaves of the work and economic values. However, thinking reversely, work can be enjoyable and comfortable if it is for making one's own value. By doing so, we can feel the charm of the work and perceive it as fun and interesting unknowingly. Just make sure not to immerse yourself in work excessively. To do so, your work life and home life must be managed harmoniously.

           How not to immerse yourself in the charm of work excessively is to know the values of work. Economic value is not the only value. When other values are pursued, economic value is followed. Whatever your work is, you can be happy if you assign a value to the work. Especially, if you assign one of either value of human relationships or values of social activities to your work, passion will be generated; you can prevent yourself from being excessively immersed in the work. I experimented on adjusting the ratio based on the debate for the value of task distribution in men and women when I lectured laborers from the factory.

           When I gave a lecture to laborers, I had an experiment of adjusting the ratio of males and females along with the discussion about these values. The productivity was improved and the fraction defective was decreased. Connecting the values of human relationships and the values of social activities to labor improved the immersion of individual psychology. Like this, work and stress are closely connected with each other. This stress could make you suffer in difficulties both physically and psychologically, but it could offer you values of human relationships and social values.

           Work and psychology are deeply related to each other. Intellectual laborers have stress generated as they concentrate on their thoughts and memories by the operations of the conscious; physical laborers get physical tiredness accumulated as they focus on their expressions (speeches, actions, and facial expressions) unknowingly by the operations of the unconscious. So, the relationship between work and psychology must be understood accurately to live happily as you heal the stress. Let's cover differences in psychology based on these four categories mentioned above.

           First, those who work without thoughts may feel everything comfortable and keep a work efficiency, but there is no happiness. The work efficiency neither increases nor decreases because they only do what they are told to do. They just work comfortably, which does not allow them to make improvements or have creativity. When looking at this, you can see who is going to be the right person for a certain kind of work and will be able to assign the work to that person. If the work does not require either creativeness or development possibility but is the work that keeps work efficiency, 'the person working without thoughts' is going to be the right person for the work. If another person who thinks about the given work takes in charge of the work, problems are more likely to happen.

           Second, those who work even though they don't like to work are neither comfortable nor happy. In most cases, people in this category work in the short term or part-time. They cannot endure the stress they get from their work. Work efficiency and productivity decrease; there is no creativeness and development possibility; problems occur within their psychology. Due to this, they don't have meanings and values of life because their work is not related to economic values, values of human relationships, and values of social activities.

           Third, those working as the means for purposes have compulsions and anxieties because of two reasons. One is that they must work and accomplish step by step; the second is that they also move towards achievement and goals. They have compulsions and anxieties such as 'I must do this well,' 'I've got to finish this quickly,' 'I must have decent outcomes,' etc. because they must accomplish the purposes they've wanted by having their present work done nicely. Because of this, strong stress is generated; it develops into psychological disorders in many cases. Having a psychological disorder cannot be a matter of good or bad because the psychological problem can be either good or bad. The cause of psychological problems at this point is the phenomenon aroused by compulsions and anxieties. The creativeness and efficiency of work drop by these compulsions and anxieties. People in this category think that it is fine to work as much as they need and that they don't have to do their work nicely because their work is not for the purpose, they wanted but the means for the purpose. They can continue on their work because they can still dream of possibilities toward their purposes and goals despite the decrease in creativeness and efficiency.

Fourth, those immersing themselves in the charm of work can be happy because they pursue happiness as their passion and achievement get strengthened. This is the happiness within one's mind making him or her can feel. According to this, the passion becomes strengthened. When seeing these problems through, it is very good and but generates problems in every human relationship including family because they have limited human relationships by meeting others related only to the work. Therefore, the characteristic of a person with limited human relationships this way works passionately and enjoy the fun of working. 

           You must understand that psychology about work is constantly operating if you want to prevent psychological problems, treat psychological disorders, and live happily with meanings and values of life.

           By understanding how the mind and psychology operate, you can choose and assign the right person for the right place. This can be applied to production workers as well. For example, if a person’s job is related to production or assembly line, it applies differently depending on the types of duties and tasks, such as direct labor, management or supervision, examination, or quality control. Rather than a person's ability, his or her mind and psychology are more important. A person's ability can be displayed at his or her best as he or she increases the work efficiency by understanding how the mind and psychology operate.

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