
The Formation of Happiness


In order to understand the principles of how the psychology of happiness is formed, let me compare and explain depression and bipolar disorder. Since psychology operates in the same way for everyone, it is possible to understand the principles of every psychological disorder and the process of psychology if the principles of psychology are understood. The principles and rules of psychology are the same for everyone since psychology operates in one way. 

When looking into depression first, it is a psychological disorder (the disorder of emotion) that negative psychology operates. The standard of emotions is at 0 states in general; 0 becomes -10 (this numerical value depends on the size of negative emotion) if negative emotions are at work in the psychology. If the negative psychology by these negative emotions is constantly at -10 instead of being recovered to 0 states, the standard of emotions gets changed. In other words, depression is when the standard of emotions is and stays at -10. 

Second, bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder (the disorder of emotion) that occurs as positive and negative psychology cross each other. Originally, psychological state is at 0. If this 0 becomes +10 (this numerical value depends on the size of positive emotion) due to the influx of a specific positive emotion and if it stays at +10 instead of being recovered to 0 states, the standard of emotions gets changed to +10. One becomes manic as he/she gets the psychology that feels as if having a constant influx of positive emotions. 

This person keeps the condition of being manic until negative emotions come in. This person becomes depressed as negative psychology is formed and lasts at the state of -10 (this value depends on the size of negative emotions) due to the flux of negative emotions. 

When this happens, one changes from being manic to being depressed. The standard of emotions drops from +10 to -10, which means that the numerical value of the psychological change is -20. This is why bipolar disorder is more serious than depression. 

As for bipolar disorder, it is fine when one is manic since he/she keeps the fun, but it is very dangerous when this person suddenly becomes depressed. Depression is endurable although it is not easy since the standard of emotions constantly stays at -10. However, the negative emotion is felt very strongly as much as -20 as it drops from +10 to -10 when one changes from being manic to being depressed. Therefore, the most dangerous moment for a person with bipolar disorder is when this person's psychological conditions changes from being manic to being depressed. 

The occurrence of wounds means there is an influx of negative emotions. It is the changes in the standard of emotions from 0 to -10, making one feel depressed. Then people try to recover the standard of emotions and actually recover the standard to get back to 0 states. At this point, one can feel the emotion of happiness as he/she becomes comfortable since positive psychology as much as +10 operates even though the standard of emotions is still at 0 states. Especially, if the standard of emotions become +10 from -10 by the influx of positive emotions, the psychology of happiness as much as +20 can be formed. Thus, it could be said that the principle of bipolar disorder that comes and goes between wounds and happiness is the same as the principle of happiness. 

When looking into this principle, bipolar disorder isn't always bad. It is just that danger is followed when changing from being manic to being depressed whereas changing from being depressed from being manic results in bigger happiness. 

As mentioned above, wounds and happiness are created as emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure come and go among each other. Bipolar disorder appears when one stays at a specific emotion.

According to the principles of happiness, psychology changes in a cycle of 3 days; it becomes the driving force to lasting happiness. This is the basic principle of wounds and happiness. As for reference, the man's physical cycle is 3 days; the woman's psychological cycle is 3 days as well. Also, the man’s psychological cycle is 28 days whereas the woman's physical cycle is 28 days as well. The reason why the man's and the woman's physical and psychological cycles are mutually opposite is that they can mutually form happiness as they exchange emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure.

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