
The Principles of Happiness


The principle of happiness is the coexistence of wounds and happiness and means the principles of symmetry of psychology. Women can get present happiness as the energy of love is generated in the process of wound treatment. Men pursue future happiness as passion is generated by the power of enjoying negative emotions of stress. So, passion is generated by stress for men whereas women get love and happiness by wounds. 

Regardless of men and women, it is impossible to become happy as a PIR (person in relationship) by oneself. However, it is possible for teenagers since they can get love from their parents. When they become men and women as adults, there is no happiness of PIR. 

Regardless of gender, it is impossible for one to have happiness as a PIR (person in relationships) by alone. It does not apply to teenagers who are being reared by parents though because they get love from their parents. However, when they become adult men and adult women, they cannot have the happiness of a PIR by alone. 

Happiness is the coexistence of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure; joy and pleasure are man's passion whereas anger and sorrow are woman's wounds. At this point, woman's wounds can be treated by man's passion and changed into love, which forms happiness. So, woman's present happiness and man's future happiness is formed when a man and a woman interact mutually and form a harmony. 

Therefore, positive emotions and negative emotions mutually interact with each other. Positive emotions are joy and pleasure; theses are man's passion and the power that allows men to pursue future happiness. Moreover, negative emotions are related to woman's wounds; by treating these wounds, they can pursue love and present happiness. Since joy and pleasure, anger and sorrow are separated and operates individually, happiness can be created only when these two are combined by man's psychology and woman's psychology. 

If positive emotions get maximized, one might become a pleasure seeker generating problems; what plays a role as a safety device at this point is negative emotions. Also, if negative emotions get maximized, one might become a pessimist with agony is followed; the thing that works as a safety device is positive emotions. The safety device for women is positive emotions whereas that for men is negative emotions. At this point, wounds are the source of the energy necessary for women to pursue present happiness. 

According to the principle of happiness, being fun does not mean being always fun; suffering in difficulties does not always mean that your future will be difficult too. Living with the coexistence of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure is a happy life. Even if you are in difficulties, you still need to have hope because that means happiness will come to you soon. What you need to beware of is comfort. It is the condition that there are no emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure. It is the condition that there is no happiness and unhappiness. In other words, being comfortable cannot make happiness but could become unhappiness even by little stress. It is the forewarning of unhappiness.

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