
The mechanism of psychological treatment of children who are in the phase of survival under age 5


  Since the psychology of your sons and daughters are focused on survival, it could be said that their survival and psychology are connected. Especially, children do not necessarily need to be separated into males and females since survival psychology of sons and daughters are the same. It’s just that they need to be separated into males and females when analyzing their expression because moods that operate in survival psychology and expression by emotions are different. Basically, survival psychology operates positively when survival is stable but negatively when it’s unstable.

1. If the information that comes in is stable for their survival, they perceive it positively, but they perceive it negatively if it is not stable. So, you can analyze how your children’s survival psychology is operating if you look at how they react and perceive certain information. Your sons and daughters will be psychologically stable if you change their psychology into stable survival psychology.

2. The only difference among remembered information is whether children remember it as stable information for their survival or as unstable information for their survival since they remember things that are necessary only for their survival. When certain information is perceived, they feel it as either stable or unstable for their survival by comparing it with remembered information. Also, they need to be exposed to an environment where they can perceive as much information as they can since they constantly try to perceive and remember necessary information for their survival.

3. Children make positive expressions when their survival is stable, but they make negative expressions when their survival is unstable when they express their psychology in survival. You must be aware that whatever your sons and daughters express depends on whether their survival is stable or unstable.

   Like this, psychological problems of your sons and daughters in survival can be analyzed by whether their survival is stable or unstable; they can maintain stable conditions for their survival by resolving these psychological problems. Children gradually move from survival to the period where they differentiate good and bad human relationships around age 3; therefore, the psychology of children between age 3 and 5 needs to be analyzed based mostly on survival psychology and by partially applying adaptation to relationship. You may refer to sons and daughters in adaptation to relationship about this.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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