
The Principle of Man's Happiness


Men's happiness is the imaginative happiness that they feel when pursuing future happiness based on passion and the desire for achievement. At this point, passion is the energy that pursues future happiness. By the impulse standard of the mind, the energy of passion is generated; positive emotions are required for this. Also, passion is the power to get immersed in fun and interest, sexual desire, and the energy that pursues the desire for achievement. The desire for achievement is the desire to reach specific goals that one has set such as success, business, occupation, economic power, competition, academic ability, knowledge, and every other thing. 

For men, love does not appear in reality. What is seen as men's love is their passion, not love. Their love is the unconscious that considers his counterparty as same as himself and appears in the form of unlimited responsibility. This unlimited responsibility is unconditional, unlimited, and does not have any purpose for a specific object. It is like maternal love. When a man gets this unlimited responsibility for a specific object and when the object becomes safe, comfortable, and happy, he can also be comfortable, which becomes the driving force to pursue future happiness by passion and the desire for achievement. It's just that thinking and feeling present happiness is going to be impossible even though psychology becomes comfortable by being stabilized. 

Men's happiness is formed when they pursue future happiness. As pursuing future happiness by passion and the desire for achievement, moving towards the future that is vague and like a mirage is men's happiness. At this point, the love of unlimited responsibility exists, and this becomes the love of the unconscious. This unlimited responsibility is formed for wife and children. Since the wife, who is a woman, pursues present happiness, the man's unconscious becomes comfortable state by his wife. In this way, his psychology can be stabilized, allowing him to pursue future happiness with his passion and the desire for achievement. The objects of a man's unlimited responsibility are his wife and family members that he can treat them as if they are himself. This love of unlimited responsibility is formed only once in his life. Once it is formed, it never disappears and never changes. 

If the future happiness by the man's passion and desire for achievement is towards not other objects but his wife and children, he will consider them as they are himself, making him become a dullard. Loving his wife and children and spending time with the woman, his wife, become the most fun and interesting passion; if the wife is happy, it becomes his own happiness, making himself to pursue the strongest happiness. 

It is the same for the woman as well. This can be formed if she becomes not a wife but a woman. As the man, her husband, has passion towards the woman, the wife, the object of the pursuit of future happiness become a woman; all of his passion and desire for achievement gets to focus on her. When this circulation structure is made, the husband as a man and the wife as a woman share each other's feelings and maximize the happiness for each other. This circulation structure is men's happiness. 

However, the core of happiness is the woman. Without this core, everything does not exist. If the husband has an extramarital affair, there are two things that must be considered. Is it the husband who has an affair with another woman? or is it the man in the husband's place having an affair?

Ultimately, it is the man, also a husband, who had an extramarital affair with another woman. Thinking this in the opposite way, the wife must think about herself whether she is living as a wife or as a woman in the marriage. It is not that difficult if thinking about this matter. 

If problems occur in men's passion and desire for achievement, their future happiness gets cut off; thus, they try their best to recover the problems. In most cases, they try to recover by any means necessary. On the other hand, if problems occur in the love of the unconscious, the unlimited responsibility, it is the same as having problems in their own unconscious. So, they try to resolve these problems prior to passion and the desire for achievement. 

They can generate passion and desire for achievement by stabilizing because there's internal strife within their psychology. So, if problems occur in love of the unconscious, it would be difficult to change, cut off, and discard stress even when the stress they get is extreme. Even if thinking about divorce or being separated several times, they cannot be free from it. They cannot understand why they cannot be free from. They do not understand why they are like this either. It is because they do not know all of these are caused by unlimited responsibility as love formed by the unconscious.

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