
How to generate passion and use it to benefit yourself and others


     Passion is moods with which you get immersed into an object you like or an object you perceive as positive. The object of passion can be people, work, hobbies or anything other than yourself. When you get immersed into the object you like, stress is naturally generated. Stress is healed every time you think about the object and take actions in order to overcome and relieve stress. Passion toward the object you like is formed as you repeat this process. In order to generate passion toward a certain object, you must think about it first and then, take actions. Passion cannot be generated without thinking about the specific object first. 

     For example, we all get a certain amount of stress when we work. Passion is generated as you overcome stress and make achievements at work. However, when you are not interested in the work and do not feel you need to work at all, you may try to avoid stress instead of overcoming it. Generating passion starts from being interested in the object, so when you do the work just because you have to, you cannot generate passion and you only accumulate stress. Then, the more you work, the more difficulties you feel, and you eventually may quit the work. As stress accumulates at work without being able to generate passion, you become to ask yourself questions such as, 'Why am I doing this? Am I fit for this job? Am I doing well? Do I even have the ability?'

     In some cases, you may think about the object but you feel that it does not accord with you in any way. Then, stress is generated even before you start the work. In this case, stress is induced not from the object but from your thought process. Thus, repulsion toward the object gradually develops when you work without even thinking about it, but repulsion develops in a short time when you have negative perception from the beginning and then, you become to want to quit the work soon. This mechanism applies to both men and women. 

     If you have never had passion in your life, you need to think and find something you like first. Once you experience getting immersed into the object you like and generating passion, you can easily repeat the process the next time even if you stop generating passion toward the present object. It is important to experience generating passion for the first time. Then, you would not want to go back to the days you lived without thinking and generating passion, and you would keep looking for the object of passion.

     People who live without passion usually do not have the experience of finding an object they like or generating passion toward the object overcoming stress. They may have avoided stress or have not taken actions to overcome stress. You cannot generate passion when you have the habit of avoiding stress since passion is generated only when you feel positive moods in the process of overcoming stress. People who avoid stress as habits may not experiences many difficulties in life but cannot generate passion either. 

     Also, your object of passion must be something that has a positive influence on you and others. When you have passion toward something unproductive, you may do harm to yourself and other people by getting immersed into the object of passion. This is referred to as distorted passion and distorted passion destroys psychology and life of yours and people around you. With this respect, we need experiences in generating passion toward objects with positive and productive values. We must be able to pursue happiness of self and others in a true sense by generating passion toward the object we like. 

     Not may people can find the right object of passion at one try but you can keep looking for things you may like, trying to overcome stress along the way to expand your passion as well as experiences. Trial and error in diverse areas will transform your passion into your abilities and then, you can adapt yourself in all areas generating passion and making achievements.

     When you generate passion only toward pleasure and consume energy without any productive result, your passion will serve to destroy your life and lives of people around you. When you develop distorted habits of generating passion and relieving stress, you may keep accumulating stress from one object and looking for another object for relieving stress. This mechanism can be applied to differentiate people who generate pure passion toward their work and family and make great achievement contributing to the society, and people who generate distorted passion toward objects of pleasure and use it as a destructive energy. 


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