
No one has the right to demand others to self-reflect.

     Only you yourself can self-reflect on your thoughts and behaviors. It is arrogation of power for others to demand you for your self-reflection. Others cannot judge on your life experiences and your behaviors since they cannot experience your life with your thought standards. When others judge your behaviors, it is to apply their thought standards to your life experiences. No one can be convinced that their thought standards and their life experiences are right and others' thought standards and life experiences are wrong. Everyone has unique life experiences and therefore, everyone has unique thought standards. 

     When you think that your way of life is right and others' way of life is wrong and demand them to self-reflect on their behaviors, it is an action that destroys yourself as well as others. By applying your thought standards to judge others' behaviors, you naturally judge that others' ideas and behaviors are wrong. It is only to justify yourself by denying others and it  destroys individual's psychology and human relationships.  


     People who are absorbed in self-justification will keep demanding others to self-reflect on their thoughts and behaviors since they are firm in the belief that they are the only ones who are right without understanding the uniqueness of everyone's life experiences. Then, they keep disturbing the balance in relationships and the society wherever they go applying their own distorted thought standards to all situations and all people. 

     Self-reflection must be applied only within oneself as the term itself represents. Anyone who demands others to self-reflect on their thoughts and behaviors are considered to already have lost balance in his or her psychology.

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