
A husband who has the desire for infidelity & a husband who suffers from psychological pain due to wife infidelity


     A husband who suffers from psychological pain due to spouse infidelity is considered to be experiencing intense stress caused by post traumatic stress. A husband who has the desire for infidelity is considered to have developed sexual dysfunction. When men's sexual dysfunction progresses, psychological disorders also develop, and the mind operates to direct them to want to change women for sex, which may result in developing relationship addiction. It is men's sexual dysfunction that makes them want to have an affair. However, relationship addiction has not developed yet until they actually put their ideas into practice. The desire for infidelity exists since it has not been satisfied yet. That is, men are considered to have only sexual dysfunction without relationship addiction until they actually have an affair.
     On the other hand, a husband who suffers from psychological pain due to wife infidelity is considered to have developed post traumatic stress, and he may feel that his sexual dysfunction has suddenly disappeared at the same time. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by experiencing intense stress and compulsion. When psychological pain disappears without post traumatic stress being treated in men, sexual dysfunction as severe as the level of post traumatic stress develops. The husband may experience extreme rage upon the discovery of wife infidelity, and he may feel as if his sexual dysfunction were suddenly restored when he has sex with his wife or any other woman while he is experiencing rage due to spouse infidelity. He may develop severe psychological disorders as this process repeats, and most husbands in this situation choose to divorce their wife after experiencing the lowest and the highest conditions repeatedly. 
     The husband may be able to maintain sexual function if he treats post traumatic stress while he is experiencing temporarily restored sexual function, which is the mechanism adopted by Xes Therapy. When the husband has treated post traumatic stress and fully restored sexual function but the wife is still having an affair, he may have a completely different perception of hie wife. Now, he is not affected by his wife, can maintain his healthy psychology, and live happily with children. A husband who suffers from psychological pain due to wife infidelity actually has a good opportunity to treat post traumatic stress and sexual dysfunction and live even more happily than before. When a man treats post traumatic stress and sexual dysfunction, he naturally develops the composure of winners. 
     When a husband gets a divorce upon the discovery of wife infidelity without treating post traumatic stress, he may develop the worst type of psychological disorders as well as sexual dysfunction and end up living an unhappy life regardless of his worldly achievements.


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