
Many conventional therapies may actually contribute to aggravating your psychological conditions


    There exist many therapies and treatment methods that are adopted to treat psychological disorders including counseling, medication, and so on. When you compare psychological disorders to physical illnesses for analogy, different therapies must be adopted for different psychological disorders as it is the case for different physical diseases. For example, treatments of mild cold, influenza, pneumonia, and lung cancer must employ different treatment methods respectively. 

     Post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity and relationship addiction can be compared to serious diseases like lung cancer. It takes much more than counseling and medication to treat such psychological disorders. Medication may serve to alleviate the severe pain temporarily so that the patient can maintain daily life. Most conventional therapeutic methods that intervene in psychological operations are hardly likely to bring about proper and effective treatment results without adverse long-term side effects. Most of them are effective only for solving mild cases of psychological problems. 

     Post traumatic stress due to infidelity and relationship addiction are quite severe psychological disorders that require a properly designed treatment protocol along with the patient's time and effort. As your body can perish without proper treatment of serious diseases, your mind can perish without proper treatment of psychological disorders. When your mind perishes, your body may continue to function as a human being, but your mind cannot function properly destroying the life of yours and your loved ones. It is high time that psychological disorders were taken as seriously as physical diseases and adequate and effective treatment methods were adopted.  


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