
Do not become dependent on information related with infidelity.


     You may be suffering from spouse infidelity and trying to solve the problem. You may feel excruciating pain even upon the slightest trigger related with spouse infidelity. Most people look for practical solutions to the problem when spouse infidelity is discovered. They may look for information related with spouse infidelity and try to figure out what to do. They may easily fall for arbitrary interpretation in the process and aggravate psychological condition since they tend to listen to information that seem to provide comfort. It is not the information itself that is problematic but people who arbitrarily interpret the information in a way that makes them feel comfortable. It is crucial for you to understand that your psychology is getting aggravated no matter what you do when you become dependent on them.   

     Arbitrary interpretation only aggravates the condition of post traumatic stress and you become to keep looking for information that makes you feel comfortable more and more. Especially, information that provides quick and easy solutions must be avoided at any cost since they are like poison that never helps the recovery of marriage relationship or psychological condition. As far as you are in the condition of post traumatic stress, no information can serve as treatment methods or practical solutions. If the recovery is that easy as some people suggest, why are so many people are living in misfortune destroying their whole life and the lives of their love ones? Please, try to think where the countless pieces of information you are being exposed is leading you. They will never lead you to the path of treatment, recovery, or happiness. 

     You need to treat your psychology with the right methods such as Infidelity Therapy of KIP. It takes 3 to 6 months to recover from the explosion of rage and sensation of severe wounds, and 1 to 3 years to achieve a complete cure by building happiness ability and prevention ability. It is only you yourself who can treat your own psychological disorder with effort and will power. No information out there, even writings and videos provided by KIP, will just give you a quick and easy solution for the extreme pain and suffering due to spouse infidelity. You are the one who is in charge of your life and must take care of your body and mind with you own standards of happiness. When you treat post traumatic stress with the right method, you can come back to yourself who used to live happily with your loved ones. Then, even the present pain and suffering may be remembered as good memories and valuable experiences. 

     The mechanism of psychological treatment is clearly explained in the book 'Hope for the Flowers' written by Trina Paulus, which is strongly recommended to many people who are suffering from rage and wounds. It beautifully describes the situations before, during, and after the treatment. Enlightenment in life is nothing grandiose. You don't really have to practice long and painful asceticism. Enlightenment is achieved when you accurately understand what life is and what happiness is in a true sense and internlize habits of happiness. 


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