
What could the employees do when their employer is dogmatic?


     There are some employers who never listen to the employees. They would consider employees' opinions as unnecessary nitpicking and make having a meeting meaningless since they will dogmatically decide on all matters anyway. Then, it is the employees who must take care of troubles and problems after they occur. 

     This happens when the employers' thought standards are too strong and too self-centered, and they cannot accept other people's opinions at all. It is worse than when the employer has no standards or opinions of their own at all. Such employers cannot recognize the problems when well intended employees point to them. They may recognize their problems only when some serious negative consequences of their dogmatic decisions are manifested as reality. 

     When the employer and the employees cannot communicate with each other for decision making processes, the employees may stop wanting to belong to the company. However, employees can actually think outside the box and come up with ideas to communicate with the employer and develop the company, and above all, build their own abilities in the process. It is actually employees themselves who may benefit the most when they overcome diverse difficulties in the situation and build abilities through experiences. 

     When you do not actively get involved in building abilities in the difficult situations at work, you may easily feel that you are stressed out and may want to leave the company. However, from the individual employee's perspective, the employer being dogmatic is less important / than having opportunities to build his or her abilities by getting immersed in your work with passion, overcoming difficulties, and making achievements. 

     Then, you can become a person who can enjoy your work in many other situations and get immersed into your work with passion. It is absolutely legitimate that you may want to leave the company when the employer is dogmatic and strong-headed, but it also must be noted that the fundamental problems of yours are always associated with your own ideas and abilities but not others'. 

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