
Will repeated experiences of failure cause trauma?


     Repeatedly experiencing failures may cause you to develop trauma along with the loss of confidence and the distrust of people. It may also indicate that you have developed problems in your will power. When you repeat challenging and failing many times, great stress keeps being generated. You need to keep building the will power and making efforts to go on with the pursuit of goals, but when you lose the will power and give up on making efforts, you may end up blaming yourself, other people, or circumstances. Trauma develops as a result of giving up on your efforts and blaming self or others. 

      It must be clearly understood that your will power and efforts belong only to yourself. They are necessary for pursuing your own goals of life and have nothing to do with other people or the society. People with weak will power tend to listen to other people and make efforts as guided by other people rather than by themselves, which usually leads them to feel hurt when they experience failures. Your will power must come only from yourself and must not be associated with other people or circumstances. 

     Also, the goals set for you by others or external factors are easily given up in the process of making efforts since they are not what you have wanted in the first place. Also, when you make great efforts to achieve goals set by others or by inevitable circumstances, you may easily develop trauma. In such cases, it is recommended that you start all over again by checking for what you yourself really want for your life, setting your own goals, building will power, and making efforts accordingly.

     As you continue with your own will power and efforts, you will soon recognize changes in your life even if they are small ones. Those small changes will reinforce your will power, and then, trials and errors including repeated failures will not result in trauma any more. Stress stemming from pursuing your own goals is completely different from trauma resulting from pursuing goals imposed by others or external factors. Stress generated from pursuing your own goals may actually lead you to reinforce your passion and will power and make even greater efforts forming a virtuous cycle.


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