
People who can benefit from Free Consultation on Divorce and Remarriage

Following is the list of people who can benefit from Free Consultation on Divorce and Remarriage. 

1. People who have decided to get a divorce or remarry.

If you have decided to divorce or remarry, you must prepare for divorce or remarriage whether you have the person you want to marry or not. You must transfer to the psychology of divorce or remarriage and learn what to think and what to do to prepare for divorce or remarriage. 

2. People who are in the process of divorce or remarriage

You may be taking the procedure for divorce or remarriage at present. You must learn how to prevent problems that may be accompanied in the process of divorce or remarriage and how psychology changes when you divorce or remarry. You need to adequately prepare yourself to become happy after divorce or remarriage. 

3. People who have difficulties after divorce or remarriage 

It is quite common to have psychological and practical difficulties after divorce or remarriage. You can solve the present problems and learn how to prevent further problems and build happiness in the future. 

4. People who repeat divorce and remarriage

Repeating divorce and remarriage indicates that your psychology has deteriorated without being able to adequately operate psychology of divorce or remarriage. You must accurately understand the psychology of divorce and remarriage and treat your psychological condition for your future happiness. You must clearly understand that you can be as happy as possible even after divorce or remarriage. 

5. People who suffer from relationships unexpectedly after divorce or remarriage 

You must understand that you need to build different types of human relationships after divorce or remarriage from relationships you have had before. You must sever the relationships you don't need any more and maintain and develop the relationships that you need in accordance with your circumstances. 

6. People who have problems with children after divorce or remarriage

Most people assume that problems with children come from 'children' limiting the issues only to children. However, problems with children after divorce or remarriage are mostly likely to be caused by parents problems manifested in parenting, which most parents would deny. When you have problems with children after divorce or remarriage, you definitely need consultation on divorce or remarriage before anything. You must understand how you can approach children's problems, what underlying causes lie behind the phenomenon, how you can prevent further problems by adopting adequate parenting strategies. You also need to learn how you and your children can be happy  together in the future. 

7. People who have difficulties with sexual issues after divorce or remarriage

Only you yourself can recognize what sexual issues or problems you have. It is not uncommon at all that people experience difficulties with sexual issues after divorce or remarriage. They need to accurately understand what caused the problems and learn how to solve and prevent sexual problems and live happily.

8. People who are simply curious about the psychology of divorce or remarriage

*** Regardless of your circumstances, whether you have divorced, remarried, or are in the process of divorcing or remarrying, you must get 'Consultation on Infidelity Issues' if you are related with them. Consultation on divorce and remarriage and consultation on infidelity issues are completely different. 'Consultation on Infidelity Issues' applies to people who got involved in extra-marital affairs or suffered from spouse infidelity at any time in the past. You are considered to have developed post traumatic stress and/or relationship addiction if you are related with infidelity issues.   

   Apply for Free Consultation on Divorce

Apply for Free Consultation on Remarriage

  Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/  

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