
Penny-wise and pound-foolish in addressing infidelity issues


     We all make mistakes and go through trial and error in the course of life. We are especially likely to make a wrong decision out of rage, despair, and anxiety facing a crisis in life due to spouse infidelity. However, it is more crucial than ever to make a right decision for your life in the time of pain and difficulty since you are at a major turning point in the journey of life. If you are suffering from spouse infidelity or seeking pleasure in relationship addiction, you must do your best not to become penny-wise and pound-foolish in making decisions and taking actions to cope with problems. 

     You may be taking diverse measures to solve infidelity issues in a practical way and get out of suffering. Your decisions and actions based on conventional wisdom and knowledge may or may not be the right ones that will lead you to true happiness. Among them, some may actually aggravate the practical situation and the psychological condition further and obstruct the restoration of your psychology and happiness. You may even end up blaming yourself for taking such and such measures out of desperation or misjudgment in the pathological condition of psychology. 

     You may want to do anything only if you can do away with the pain and suffering that you are experiencing now. However, decisions you make and actions you take now aiming only for practical and immediate solutions may inflict irrecoverable damage on you and your loved ones. Also, what you perceive as comfort and pleasure now may permanently damage your psychology and obstruct future happiness. 

     By adequately treating your psychology and building happiness ability before making any practical decisions, you can become a wise person who transforms the biggest crisis in your life into a great opportunity to become happier than ever. It is up to you to decide whether you will be penny-wise and pound-foolish or just wise in a true sense.


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