
Addressing infidelity issues: treatment or problem solving


Two different perspectives are possible on infidelity issues. One is viewing infidelity as a psychological disorder that requires treatment. The other is viewing infidelity as a result of diverse practical problems associated with marriage, love, sex, and so on. It is much more common to view infidelity as a result of diverse practical problems and try to address the issue by solving the specific problems. 

 If you find that a case of infidelity was caused by marriage problems, you will try to solve marriage problems. If it is considered to be related with sexual issues, you will try to address the infidelity case by finding solutions to sexual issues. Viewing infidelity as a result of diverse practical problems makes sense on the surface level, but it cannot deal with the root cause of the issues and will end up serving only as a symptomatic treatment. Also, viewing infidelity as a result of diverse practical problems necessarily leads to adopting an infinite number of practical solutions to an infinite number of infidelity cases. 

The root cause of infidelity is a psychological disorder accompanied by perception disorder and expression disorder that is manifested as relationship addiction. Relationship addiction manifested as infidelity is not a relational problem at all at its underlying level but the individual's psychological disorder.      The spouse in infidelity has developed relationship addiction and the victimized spouse usually has developed post traumatic stress. When the level of general psychological wounds is -10 in a metaphorical sense, the level of wounds incurred by post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity is sensed as -100,000. 

People try to analyze the phenomenon of infidelity based on what happened and what is seen and heard. They try to solve the problems they perceive have caused the case of infidelity. What is seen on the surface is only the manifestation of the fundamental psychological problems, and addressing only the manifested surface phenomena will lead to no where even if it seems to work at first. 

When infidelity is viewed as a psychological disorder, it is not problem solving but psychology treatment that is required to correct the situation and condition. It means that when relation addiction and post traumatic stress are adequately treated, the couple can restore healthy psychology, marriage relationship, and happiness, and naturally solve all other related practical problems. 

On the other hand, when infidelity is viewed as a result of diverse practical problems, not only will you adopt only symptomatic treatment, but also will you continue to face recurring problems of all types. Also, the problem solving approach to infidelity will greatly contribute to the aggravation of the psychological conditions of the couple eventually leading them to destroy their life.

 When both spouses restore healthy psychology by adopting adequate treatment methods, they will not have to experience the recurrence of problems or adverse side effects. They will actually become even happier than before infidelity occurred by understanding the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and building happiness ability.


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