
Personality vs. character


Personality is strictly personal qualities of a person and character is personal qualities that are manifested in relationships with other people. The concept of personality applies in the situation when you exist all by yourself, and the concept of character applies in the situation when you interact with people in relationships. Human beings exist both as an individual and a person in relationships. Personality and character are clearly displayed when problems and conflicts occur and we try to solve problems and resolve conflicts. Personality is displayed when you address your own problems by yourself and character is displayed when you address problems in relationships with other people.

When you exist only as an individual without being connected with other people, you can pursue only your own happiness. You have only the right and not the responsibility since you do not interact psychologically with other people. You can operate only the mind of an individual for freedom and equality. Since you exist all by yourself, you do not give or take anything to or from other people. You may get immersed into positive moods to generate passion and positive feelings to generate love all by yourself. You can apply your personality when problems occur in the process of generating passion and love as an individual. 

On the other hand, we also exist as a person in relationships and interact psychologically with other people. Your happiness and others' happiness need to coexist in this case. We need to operate the mind of a person in relationships instead of the mind of an individual. People help each other and give and take things to be happy together maintaining harmony and order.

When problems occur in human relationships, we need to solve problems and resolve conflicts together. We also pursue happiness of being together generating passion and love as a person in relationships. We have the right to claim for freedom and equality, but we also must take responsibilities for harmony and order. Instead of applying personality, we need to apply character to solve problems including the concepts of concession, cooperation, consideration, devotion, and sacrifice. 

We exist as an individual before we exist as a person in relationships, and we naturally form personality before we form character. The formation of character must be based on the formation of personality and happiness in relationships must be based on the happiness of an individual. Since personality is applied only for an individual, it is not to be judged to be right or wrong. It just needs to suit individual needs since it does not affect other people in any way. Also, personality should not be applied to solve problems and conflicts in relationships since it is likely to damage harmony and order. 

Personality naturally develops as you accumulate unique experiences in life. No two people on the earth share the identical personality. We also naturally form character based on personality as we accumulate experiences in relationships. If you are forced to form personality and character by external intervention such education or training, stress and wounds are generated since they do not accord with your own standards and you may develop psychological problems. Both personality and character should be formed naturally through unique and diverse experiences and trial and error of your own making. 

Focusing only on character as a person in relationships disregarding personality as an individual cannot lead you to happiness in a true sense. It is the same as forcing yourself to accord with others' standards disregarding your own standards. On the contrary, focusing only on personality as an individual disregarding character as a person in relationships will lead to never ending conflicts in relationships and unhappiness of yours and others. It is important to maintain balance between applying personality and character depending on circumstances. 


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