
The shock experienced upon the discovery of spouse infidelity after spending time of suspicion is beyond imagination


When the wife is suspicious of husband infidelity without evidence, she is usually accused of delusional jealousy by the husband. Then, when husband infidelity is discovered and turns out to be a fact, the wife develops a severe condition of rage and hysteria accompanied by the deep sense of despair and betrayal. 

The wife develops post traumatic stress the moment she begins to suspect husband infidelity. As she keeps being suspicious and attempts diverse actions to find evidence of infidelity, her condition gets more and more aggravated. When husband infidelity is confirmed by evidence, the wife may outwardly express all her intense negative feelings in spite of herself that she has grown inside her for the whole time of suspicion. She displays irrational and explosive behaviors by the influence of the unconscious sometimes literally losing the conscious. She becomes highly unpredictable and is put under the danger of revenge affair. 

Not many people know that the wife develops post traumatic stress only with suspicion even before husband infidelity is confirmed. In addition to that, the wife grows psychological wounds more and more as she stays nervous and anxious looking for evidence for the whole time of suspicion. The more stable and comfortable life the wife had before suspicion started, the more severe condition of post traumatic stress she develops upon confirming husband infidelity. Her psychology operates completely in the opposite way from the past when her life was stable, and she may display rage with explosion at its full blow without any reserve. 

The condition of post traumatic stress due to husband infidelity after spending time of suspicion must never be taken lightly. It is a pity that many people still adopt only practical solutions for conditions in which the treatment of the victimized spouse is urgent. Without the treatment of psychological condition of the victimized spouse, the couples' marriage relationship and psychological conditions of both the wife and the husband will only worsen as time passes no matter what other measures are taken. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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