
[Review_Infidelity Therapy] The excruciating pain beyond imagination

My husband and I began to date when we were in high school and we have been married for 10 years. I always thought that I was the one how knew about my husband better than anyone. He was a family man and had reserved personality. I trusted him and never thought he would have an affair. 

However, husband infidelity happened in our marriage and I had suicidal ideation from shock and despair. I consulted renowned counselors but I felt hurt more and more. I even thought taking my children with me to leave this world. 

One day, I happened to see reference videos provided by Korea Institute of Psycho-education and continued to watch the videos for a few months. Then, I decided to take Infidelity Therapy out of desperation. I followed the guideline by not filing a lawsuit against the adulteress even though it was hard for me to do nothing to revenge.

After I took Infidelity Therapy, I restored healthy psychology and then filed a lawsuit against the adulteress. Rage has disappeared and I can recognize that my body and mind have recovered. I have begun to see my children and felt loving and caring toward my children. 

Children seem to sense that their mother has changed for better and I can see that children have become happier. I still have a long way to go in the treatment but I really feel alive and sometimes feel very happy. I intend to keep making efforts to treat my condition. 

I hesitated for a few months before I began Infidelity Therapy since I was not convinced about the treatment method and it seemed quite expensive. Actually, I started the program because I felt I would die without doing something. I thought it should be better than dying. 

I dare to say that taking Infidelity Therapy is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Spouse infidelity makes you simply become living dead and put your children in the worst situation. I hope people who are considering Infidelity Therapy can refer to my experience.

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