
[Review_Infidelity Therapy] It is quite surprising to see myself and children change.

I found out about my husband's infidelity in September, 2018. I had never imagined that he would even like other women let alone having an affair. I thought no woman would like a man like him. 

My children found out about his affair before I did. They worried their parents would get a divorce, so kept it to themselves. My daughter consulted her teacher for the matter and her teacher guided her to keep it to herself since it would be too hard for me to learn about the fact. The teacher also said I would just have to swallow the pain when I found out as her own mother did, which made my daughter cry a lot. 

My husband was egocentric and self-centered. He used to have delusional jealousy,

which made me go through difficulties. It turned out that he was not interested in my whereabouts and did not explode out of anger during the time he had an affair. I felt comfortable and never doubted about his behaviors. 

He lost interest in me but he was overly concerned about my daughter seeing boys after she entered high school. My daughter was greatly hurt by his scolding and swearing, and she told me about his infidelity. 

I wanted to get a divorce as soon as I found out about his affair. However, I didn't have any financial support for myself, so I decided to stay in marriage only until children become adults. He said that he had broken up with the adulteress and I was stupid enough to believe him. 

Then, I found that he was still having a affair, only with another woman this time. I couldn't hold my rage no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't understand anything and felt completely lost. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and just stayed in pain twenty-four-seven.

I learned about this program, 'Infidelity Therapy' while I was searching for what I could do through the Internet. I read the book “Infidelity is a psychological disorder. There is no love in infidelity.” published by Korea Institute of Psycho-education. I read it 3 times. I had never read a book with such concentration. 

I also watched YouTube videos provided by KIP and finally contacted the therapy center by phone. I just talked about a few things and hung up because the expense was too high for me.

Some time passed. My husband's behaviors were proceeded exactly in the same way that was described in the reference materials provided by KIP. He would deny his irrational behaviors and became more and more difficult to even talk to. I felt I was being suffocated to death, and had to start Infidelity Therapy just to save my life. 

I had to stay alive to protect my children at all costs. It had been 3 months since I found out about my husband's affair. He threatened that he would get a divorce if I took Infidelity Therapy, so I had to keep it to myself. 

As I proceeded with Infidelity Therapy, my rage and pain began to subside and I began to see my children in 3 weeks after starting the treatment. I was guided on parenting strategies on boys and girls and applied them for 2 weeks. The change was not obvious at first, but my daughter began to bring her friends to our place, smiled a lot, and studied hard. My son was also doing well. 

I questioned myself why I had to go through this predicament and why I had to make efforts to do therapeutic tasks when it was my husband who was at fault. I wanted to give up many times, but tried to gather up my will power seeing children becoming stabilized and I felt better little by little. It is still hard but I am keeping going and doing my best. Now I understand how the process of treatment is self- initiated and self-implemented based on self-will. 

Now that my psychology is stabilized and children have become happier, I can understand my husband's irrational behaviors and be considerate of him. I desperately wanted to get a divorce but now, I am trying to give him an opportunity to change. I am absolutely grateful for having the opportunity to treat my condition through Infidelity Therapy. 

I don't even want to imagine what would have happened to myself and my family unless I chose to take Infidelity Therapy. I would like to recommend Infidelity Therapy to anyone who is suffering from infidelity issues. 


 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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