
Taking practical measures does not lead to happiness.

It has been discovered through research and practice that infidelity must be approached as a pathological condition rather than as a practical problem of life, and psychology counseling is ineffective in treating the condition of relationship addiction and post traumatic stress caused by spouse infidelity. It has been also discovered that treatment of psychological disorders must be proceeded with reference to the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology to achieve complete cure without short-term and long-term adverse effects. 

Many people in pain and with practical problems tend to focus on removing the present pain and solving practical issues addressing only visible phenomena. Such approach may seem to work at first but often leads to the aggravation of pathological conditions and practical situations. Issues related with infidelity must be approached by addressing the root cause and restoring healthy psychology before addressing practical issues. The spouse in infidelity must treat relationship addiction and the victimized spouse must treat post traumatic stress before they make any major decisions in life.

Taking only practical measures such as getting a divorce or filing a lawsuit to solve the problems of infidelity will cause the couple to aggravate their condition with repeated infidelity cases and continuous pain and suffering eventually destroying their life, whether they live together or separately.

You must prioritize restoring healthy psychology and regaining happiness ability over any practical matter. Taking practical measures to resolve the issue of infidelity is likened to taking cold medicine to treat cancer, which will only aggravate the condition. It is recommended that you make a wise decision to achieve true happiness by restoring healthy psychology and building happiness ability whether you are married or divorced.


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