
[Mother Therapy] Teenagers who use swear words


Many teenagers use swear words. They may think that they have to use them to be included in the circle of friends or they look cool by adopting swearing. They may argue that they don't want to use them but it is difficult to resist peer pressure. 

If you swear only in your thought and imagination, it may affect you in negative ways, but it would not affect other people since you don't express your swearing outwardly. However, when you express swearing outwardly toward other people in speech or writing, both others and you are definitely affected in negative ways. 

It is impossible and not even right to stop teenagers from using swear words altogether or force them never to use them. However, adults must at least let them know how using swear words affect people's psychology and relationships. Once they accurately understand how human mind and psychology operate regarding adopting swear words, they cannot but be careful and refrain from swearing.

Everyone knows that swearing makes the listener feel bad without even thinking much about its exact meaning. All swearing expressions contain negative contents but people use them without knowing or thinking what they exactly mean. They may use them just because others also use them casually, which cannot justify their own adoption of swearing.

Whether you swear or not can be determined only by yourself. Therefore, making excuses for swearing blaming other people or situations cannot be justified. You yourself must understand what swear words mean and judge their use in different situations. Also, if someone knows exactly what swear words mean and still choose to use them just casually, he or she is the kind of person you had better avoid hanging out with. 


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