
[infidelity Therapy] The difference between infidelity and prostitution


[infidelity Therapy] The difference between infidelity and prostitution, the sexuality of the husband, the wife, the adulteress, and the adulterer in husband infidelity and wife infidelity

     Infidelity is legal and prostitution is illegal. Infidelity is considered to be a form of love and prostitution is considered to be a form of business. When someone gets involved in infidelity with many people for the purpose of earning money, it is also considered to be a form of business. Infidelity destroys self, the spouse, children family and human relationships. Prostitution destroys one's body, mind, and sexuality. Infidelity is caused by relationship addiction. Prostitution has the purpose of exchanging sexual pleasure and economic gain. Prostitution evolves into infidelity, which is a more advanced psychological condition. Infidelity is more hedonic than prostitution. 

     People in infidelity destroy their spouse, children, family, and human relationships and people who buy sex destroy their own body, mind, and sexuality. The husband in infidelity invest his time, effort, and money for having sex with the adulteress and destroys all human relationships. Infidelity has more adverse effects than prostitution. The wife must understand that the husband considers the adulteress as a prostitute. The wife in infidelity must understand that she is considered as a prostitute by the adulterer. The adulteress and the wife in infidelity are only sexual objects of the adulterer. 

      The husband who suffers from wife infidelity must understand that the adulterer considers his wife as a prostitute. The husband must treat his post traumatic stress and then, punish the adulterer regardless of their marriage relationship. The husband who commits infidelity to get even with his wife in infidelity makes his adulteress a prostitute. 

     The husband in infidelity and adulteress have developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder and the victimized wife has developed post traumatic stress. The wife in infidelity and the adulterer have developed relationship addiction and the victimized husband has developed post traumatic stress. They may develop intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria when the conditions progress even further. Everyone who gets involved in the infidelity issue develops psychological disorders and their conditions progress as time passes unless properly treated.

     KIP Treatment is provided to treat psychological disorders and restore balanced state of mind. It also guides you to build the ability to prevent the relapse of pathological conditions as well as habits of wounds treatment and habits of happiness to achieve complete cure. It is an innovative and highly effective non-contact self-treatment method. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

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