
[Review] Peace of mind returned.


Before the treatment, my mind was like wild sea.

I was in the hell whatever I did and my life was squeezing my heart.

Daily life would be impossible to continue if anyone lived that way.

Five months into the treatment.

I make sure I do the therapeutic tasks everyday.

My children are happy to be with me and always express their love for me. 

My spouse gave me an opportunity to look back on my whole life, treat all my wounds I have accumulated, and realize that I deserve to be loved and be happy.

I usually listen to the recording for training doing house chores. 

It always sounds new to me and I am learning a lot.

I guess my complexion and attitudes have changed a lot since people treat me differently. I feel that my feelings of happiness and the sense of self-respect are recognized by others. A happy person always seems to carry happy energy around. 

I have realized through Mind Training that everything that happens in our life has two sides, and it is the nature of the universe. 

The longest night signals the beginning of the spring and the darkest moment of the night signals the rise of the sun. 

To know the brightness of the light, the shade of the darkness should be known.

I have learned that the darkness is a necessary part of my life. 

I am grateful to the darkness.

I tend to forget about therapeutic tasks since I feel comfortable a lot these days. 

I will gather up my will not to lose my first intention.


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