
[Infidelity Therapy] The collapse of the life of men who commit infidelity

[Infidelity Therapy] The collapse of the life of men who commit infidelity (the husband in infidelity and the adulterer)

People who know that infidelity is caused by relationship addiction tend to associate relationship addiction only with infidelity. However, not everyone who develops relationship addiction gets involved in infidelity. Of course, people in infidelity have developed relationship addiction. 

 [Symptoms of men's relationship addiction] 

1. Commit infidelity

2. Do not have sex addiction but repeat buying sex services

3. Find more pleasure in diverse activities such as work, gatherings, traveling, hobbies, or sports than in family life

4. Suddenly have more sex or become sexless with the spouse

5. Mingle with people with many human relationships and become overly nice to people

There are many more symptoms of men's relationship addiction than listed above. Men with relationship addiction are addicted to people's responses regardless of the gender when they express themselves nicely to other people. When men develop relationship addiction, they express themselves compulsively and they feel relieved and excited only when they feel the counterparty's responses. 

When they express themselves to a woman and the woman with relationship addiction responds to men's expressions, they become close to each other and commit infidelity. Men with relationship addiction think that giving attention and consolation to women with relationship addiction is the most valuable thing in their life. 

Men's relationship addiction is an advanced condtion of psychological diaorder in the sense that they have developed both perception disorder and expression disorder simultaneously. Perception disorder makes men not be able to stand even the slightest stress and expression disorder or addiction makes men feel relieved from obsession and anxiety only when they get responses from the object of obsession. 

Men with relationship addiction have developed a psychological disorder that destroys all their relationships as well as their pursuit of values and sexuality. They sever all the relationships that give them stress and form only the relationships that give them responses. They pursue distorted values and sexuality justifying their ideas and behaviors. 

Men with relationship addiction end up putting priority on sexual pleasure and relationships that make it possible as the highest values of life. They can stop pursuing sexual pleasure only when they lose everything, become sick, or literally die. 

Men with relationship addiction must realize that they have a serious condition and make efforts to treat their condition even if the process is hard and even painful to restore healthy and happy life. They are usually given an opportunity to treat their condition when they are on the verge of losing everything or they feel the threat of life after losing everything. In this situation, their wife and children are very important for their treatment. 

The treatment can be chosen and proceeded only by men themselves and it requires their own strong will power and efforts. They must treat relationship addiction, prevent the relapse of the condition, and build stress healing ability and happiness ability to achieve complete cure. Korea Institute of Psycho-education provides an effective and innovative treatment program without psychology counseling. 



About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

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