
[Mother Therapy] Teenagers' mood swing


Q. My daughter seems to have mood swings for no reason. It is really hard for me to deal with it. She doesn't display her temper to other people as much as she does to me. My daughter and I get into conflicts a lot. It is hard for me to get along well with her. 

A: First of all, it is only possible for the daughter to show her moods to her mother as they are when they are in a good relationship. You are suffering from difficulties just because you don't accurately understand how your daughter's and your psychology operate. 

Here is an example case where a mother who is taking Mother Therapy. When her daughter seemed irritated and down, the mother approached and tried to have a conversation. 

“You look unhappy today. Can I ask what is bothering you?”

The daughter looked down at the floor and said, “I don't know. I just feel down. I'm just not happy and it's been like this for a while.”

The mother thought about what it was like when she was at her daughter's age. A few minutes went by with no one talking. Then, the mother began to talk about how she felt when she was a teenager. 

“I think I was like you when I was young. I was irritable and grumpy and complained to your grandmother a lot about this and that. Later, I found out that I was comparing myself with other girls and I was not happy about myself and my situation.” The daughter listened to her mother, and said, “I don't know. I guess I'll just sleep now.” Then, she went to her room. 

The mother realized that her daughter was also going through the teenage days when they get confused about things at school and at home and try to figure out about different things on their own. She didn't try to take it as a problem to be fixed but as a process her daughter cannot but go through to become an adult. She thought she would support her daughter in every aspect so that her daughter could grow in a healthy way making trials and errors.

Your daughter is in the process of growth. She is in the process of forming her own thought standards making trials and errors. When parents accurately understand the operational mechanism of children's mind and psychology and learn about the right parenting strategies by taking Mother Therapy, they can naturally support children's growth and wait for children to grow making trials and errors without feeling worried. Then, children can form healthy psychology in the safe environment the parents provide for them even when they go through a negative phase psychologically. 


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                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

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