
[Infidelity Therapy] How the victim of spouse infidelity becomes a perpetrator.

Post traumatic stress develops upon experiencing traumatic incident. Post traumatic stress makes the victim develop fake wounds making all the life experiences felt as negative memories. They victim develops wounds upon everything perceived, remembered, and expressed, and develops problems in habits of psychology such as psychological disorders and psychosis.

The victimized spouses suffer from excruciating pain when all life experiences become fake wounds. When fake wounds develop into real wounds in mimind and problems of habits of psychology develop, the victimized spouses feel comfort temporarily and then the condition progresses into severe psychological disorders, which make them pursue pleasure.

Feeling comfort without proper treatment after you suffer from excruciating pain indicates that your condition has deteriorated. It keeps deteriorating for the who life time causing diverse psychological problems. When post traumatic stress is not properly treated, it necessarily cause unhappy or destructive life. 

Many so called experts guides victimized spouses to aggravate their condition and become a perpetrator instead of treating properly. Some may encourage victims to live a destructive life for their own profit, and many victims fall for the deception and become perpetrators themselves. Indeed, we are in a serious situation. 

Post traumatic stress can occur due to spouse infidelity, sudden loss of loved ones, rape, collapse of values of life, an accident, an aftereffect of illness. When post traumatic stress is not properly treated, you will necessarily develop a psychological disorder, which will develop into a severe psychological disorder and then, to a psychosis. Then, you do not suffer from pain but you feel comfort, pleasure living as a perpetrator. 

When you suffer from post traumatic stress upon the discovery of spouse infidelity, there are three different paths your life can take. 

1. A Happy life

You can live a happy life by treating your condition, restoring happiness ability, and building habits of wound treatment by taking KIP Treatment Program.

2. An unhappy life (Stay as a victim)

You may give up on your life, sacrifice and devote yourself to other people, and bear the pain of post traumatic stress. You are unhappy but you do not harm other people. 

3. A destructive life (become a perpetrator)

You become to live only for your own comfort and pleasure. You harm other people to obtain comfort and pleasure and justify yourself mistaking destruction for happiness. 

The victimized spouse goes through the following three stages to become a perpetrator.      

Stage 1 : Make efforts to get out of pain of post traumatic stress

You get immersed into coping with the issue of spouse infidelity through law suits, divorce, and counseling, and form relationships for your comfort. You may develop a severe psychological disorder.

Stage 2 : Make efforts to gain confidence and pleasure

You become to develop dependency and obsession on a specific object, and form relationships for your confidence and pleasure. You may develop relationship addiction, which is a severe psychological disorder. You may also develop intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria. You begin to harm other people for your pleasure. 

Stage 3 : Make efforts to damage other people for your profit and satisfaction. 

You begin to attack people, display rage, and commit crimes pursuing pleasure, and form relationships the suit your goal. Intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria may progress into psychosis, which is manifested as psychopath or sociopath. You begin to feel happy when others are suffering from pain. 

When you have post traumatic stress and don't treat the condition properly, you may live an unhappy life as a victim, or live as a perpetrator inflicting damage on others. This is due course for anyone who develops post traumatic stress. Especially, you are likely to harm close people including your spouse, children, family, and friends. Then, you may also harm anyone how happen to be around you.

Post traumatic stress can cause dire consequences in your life. You must understand that your condition deteriorates as time passes destroying your life and others' lives in the end. You must restore happiness ability by treating the condition in the right way before it's too late. KIP Treatment Program offers you the right way to treat yourself on your own to restore health and happiness in a true sense. 



About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

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